EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
This is the complete list of members for IAEA_PhspSource, including all inherited members.
addKnownSource(EGS_BaseSource *o) | EGS_BaseSource | static |
addKnownTypeId(const char *name) | EGS_BaseSource | static |
addState(istream &data) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
containsDynamic(bool &hasdynamic) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
count | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
createObject(EGS_Input *inp) | EGS_Object | virtual |
createSource(EGS_Input *) | EGS_BaseSource | static |
deleteObject(EGS_Object *o) | EGS_Object | static |
deref() | EGS_Object | |
description | EGS_BaseSource | protected |
EGS_BaseSource(const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | EGS_BaseSource | |
EGS_BaseSource(EGS_Input *input, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | EGS_BaseSource | |
EGS_Object(const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | EGS_Object | |
EGS_Object(EGS_Input *inp, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | EGS_Object | |
Emax | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
factory | EGS_Object | protected |
filter1 (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
filter2 (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
filter_type (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
first (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
getCharge() const | EGS_BaseSource | virtual |
getEmax() const (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
getFluence() const (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
getNextParticle(EGS_RandomGenerator *rndm, int &q, int &latch, EGS_Float &E, EGS_Float &wt, EGS_Vector &x, EGS_Vector &u) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
getObjectName() const | EGS_Object | |
getObjectType() const | EGS_Object | |
getRadionuclideEnsdf() | EGS_BaseSource | virtual |
getSource(const string &Name) | EGS_BaseSource | static |
getSourceDescription() const | EGS_BaseSource | |
getTimeIndex() (defined in EGS_BaseSource) | EGS_BaseSource | |
getUniqueName(const EGS_Object *o=0) | EGS_Object | static |
i_latch | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
i_time | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
i_zlast | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
iaea_fileid | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
iaea_iostat | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
IAEA_PhspSource(const string &phsp_file, const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | IAEA_PhspSource | |
IAEA_PhspSource(EGS_Input *, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0) | IAEA_PhspSource | |
init() (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
is_valid (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
isValid() const (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | |
latch_stored | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
mode2 | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
n_extra_floats | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
n_extra_longs | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
name | EGS_Object | protected |
Nfirst | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nlast | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nparticle | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nphoton | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Npos | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nread | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nrecycle | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nrecycle_e | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nrecycle_g | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
nref | EGS_Object | protected |
Nrestart | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Nuse | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
openFile(const string &) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
otype | EGS_Object | protected |
particle_type (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Pinc | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
printSampledEmissions() | EGS_BaseSource | virtual |
ref() | EGS_Object | |
rejectParticle() const (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
resetCounter() (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
setCutout(EGS_Float xmin, EGS_Float xmax, EGS_Float ymin, EGS_Float ymax) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | |
setFactory(EGS_ObjectFactory *f) | EGS_Object | |
setFilter(int, int, int, const int *) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | |
setName(EGS_Input *inp) | EGS_Object | |
setObjectName(const string &Name) | EGS_Object | |
setSimulationChunk(EGS_I64 nstart, EGS_I64 nrun, int npar, int nchunk) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
setState(istream &data) (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
setTimeIndex(EGS_Float temp_time) (defined in EGS_BaseSource) | EGS_BaseSource | |
storeState(ostream &data) const (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | virtual |
swap_bytes | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
the_file_name | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
time_index | EGS_BaseSource | protected |
time_stored | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
wmax (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
wmin (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Xmax (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Xmin (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Ymax (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
Ymin (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource | protected |
~EGS_BaseSource() (defined in EGS_BaseSource) | EGS_BaseSource | virtual |
~EGS_Object() (defined in EGS_Object) | EGS_Object | virtual |
~IAEA_PhspSource() (defined in IAEA_PhspSource) | IAEA_PhspSource |