EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
EGS_Ensdf Class Reference

The ensdf class for reading ensdf format data files. More...

#include <egs_ensdf.h>

Public Member Functions

 EGS_Ensdf (const string nuclide, const string ensdf_filename="", const string relaxType="eadl", const bool allowMultiTrans=false, int verbosity=1)
 Construct an ensdf object.
 ~EGS_Ensdf ()
vector< Record * > getRecords () const
vector< BetaRecordLeaf * > getBetaRecords () const
vector< ParentRecord * > getParentRecords () const
vector< LevelRecord * > getLevelRecords () const
vector< AlphaRecord * > getAlphaRecords () const
vector< GammaRecord * > getGammaRecords () const
vector< GammaRecord * > getMetastableGammaRecords () const
vector< GammaRecord * > getUncorrelatedGammaRecords () const
vector< double > getXRayIntensities () const
vector< double > getXRayEnergies () const
vector< double > getAugerIntensities () const
vector< double > getAugerEnergies () const
void normalizeIntensities ()

Public Attributes

string radionuclide
int verbose
string relaxationType
unsigned short int Z
double decayDiscrepancy
bool allowMultiTransition

Protected Member Functions

unsigned short int findAtomicWeight (string element)
void parseEnsdf (vector< string > ensdf)
void buildRecords ()
void getEmissionsFromComments ()

Protected Attributes

ifstream ensdf_file
unsigned short int A
vector< Record * > myRecords
vector< CommentRecord * > myCommentRecords
vector< ParentRecord * > myParentRecords
vector< NormalizationRecord * > myNormalizationRecords
vector< LevelRecord * > myLevelRecords
vector< BetaRecordLeaf * > myBetaRecords
vector< BetaMinusRecord * > myBetaMinusRecords
vector< BetaPlusRecord * > myBetaPlusRecords
vector< AlphaRecord * > myAlphaRecords
vector< GammaRecord * > myGammaRecords
vector< GammaRecord * > myMetastableGammaRecords
vector< GammaRecord * > myUncorrelatedGammaRecords

Detailed Description

The ensdf class for reading ensdf format data files.

Parses decay spectrum file in ensdf format, and builds the decay scheme into an object oriented tree-like structure. This decay structure is useful for EGS_RadionuclideSpectrum used by EGS_RadionuclideSource.

Note: Uncertainties on values are ignored. The energies and intensities for various emissions are taken as is. Very low probability emissions (<1e-10) are discarded.

When processing an ensdf file, only the following records are considered: Comment, Parent, Normalization, Level, Beta-, EC / Beta+, Alpha, Gamma.

When the input 'atomic relaxations = ensdf' in EGS_RadionuclideSpectrum, the X-Ray fluorescence and Auger emissions are obtained from ensdf Comment records. This assumes a particular format for the data currently used by the LNHB, which may or may not be forward compatible. When using this option, be aware that fluorescent photons and Auger emissions are modeled statistically. In other words, the relaxation emissions are not correlated with specific disintegration events. If you are coincidence counting, use 'atomic relaxations = eadl'.

There are a few nuances to the data interpretation with 'atomic relaxations = ensdf'. If a single emission intensity value is present for a combination of lines (where multiple energies are provided), then the average energy of the lines is used. For example, in the case below a single line of energy 97.4527 keV would be used with an emission intensity of 0.57 per 100 disintegrations.

221FR T        96.815         |]                 XKB3
221FR T        97.474         |]  0.57     5     XKB1
221FR T        98.069         |]                 XKB5II

If an energy and intensity are given for the "total" of several lines, it is only used if the intensities of the individual lines are not provided. For example, in the case below a single line of energy 14.0895 keV would be used.

221FR T        10.38-17.799       18.7     9     XL (total)
221FR T        10.38                             XLL
221FR T        11.89-12.03                       XLA
221FR T        13.254                            XLC
221FR T        13.877-15.639                     XLB
221FR T        16.752-17.799                     XLG

The ensdf class has been tested on radionuclide data from LNHB DDEP.

Definition at line 492 of file egs_ensdf.h.

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