EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
EGS_JCFControl Class Reference

A 'job control file' (JCF) RCO. More...

#include <egs_run_control.h>

Inheritance diagram for EGS_JCFControl:

Public Member Functions

 EGS_JCFControl (EGS_Application *, int Nbuf=1024)
void setNchunkForParallel (int n)
int startSimulation ()
EGS_I64 getNextChunk ()
int finishSimulation ()
bool getCombinedResult (double &, double &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_RunControl
 EGS_RunControl (EGS_Application *app)
 Creates an RCO for the application app. More...
virtual ~EGS_RunControl ()

void setNcase (EGS_I64 n)
 Set the number of particles to be simulated to n.
void setNbatch (int n)
 Set the number of batches to n.
void setMaxTime (EGS_Float t)
 Set the maximum CPU time for the simulation to t.
void setRequiredUncertainty (EGS_Float a)
 Set the required statistical uncertainty to a.
EGS_I64 getNcase () const
 Returns the total number of particles to be simulated.
int getNbatch () const
 Returns the number of batches per simulation chunk.
int getNchunk () const
 Returns the number of simulation chunks.
virtual bool startBatch (int, EGS_I64)
 Start a new batch. More...
virtual bool finishBatch ()
 Finish a batch. More...
virtual void describeRCO ()
virtual bool storeState (ostream &data)
virtual bool setState (istream &data)
virtual bool addState (istream &data)
virtual void resetCounter ()
virtual EGS_I64 getNdone () const
virtual void setNdone (EGS_I64 Ndone)
virtual void incrementNdone ()
virtual EGS_Float getCPUTime () const

Protected Member Functions

bool createControlFile ()
bool openControlFile ()
bool closeControlFile ()
bool lockControlFile ()
bool unlockControlFile ()
bool rewindControlFile ()
bool readControlFile ()
bool writeControlFile ()
virtual bool writeControlString ()
virtual bool readControlString ()

Protected Attributes

EGS_I64 nleft
EGS_I64 ntot
double tsum
double tsum2
double tcount
double norm
double last_sum
double last_sum2
double last_count
unsigned long start_time
int njob
int npar
int ipar
int ifirst
bool first_time
bool removed_jcf
int nbuf
char * buf
EGS_FileLocking * p
- Protected Attributes inherited from EGS_RunControl
EGS_I64 ncase
EGS_I64 ndone
EGS_Float maxt
EGS_Float accu
int nbatch
int restart
int nchunk
RCOType rco_type
 RCO type to use.
EGS_Timer timer
EGS_Float cpu_time
EGS_Float previous_cpu_time

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from EGS_RunControl
enum  RCOType { simple , uniform , balanced }
 Define RCO types. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_RunControl
static EGS_RunControlgetRunControlObject (EGS_Application *)
- Public Attributes inherited from EGS_RunControl
int geomErrorCount
int geomErrorMax

Detailed Description

A 'job control file' (JCF) RCO.

The JCF RCO is used by default for controlling parallel job execution. It is called a JCF-RCO because execution is controlled by a file placed in the user code directory, which is created by the first parallel job and contains information such as the number of particles remaining to be simulated, number of jobs running, combined result of all parallel jobs, etc. This RCO objects requires that file locking works on the file system containing the EGS_HOME directory because the JCF is locked prior to being modified by one of the jobs to prevent multiply jobs modifying the file at the same time. For more details see PIRS-877.

Definition at line 279 of file egs_run_control.h.

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