EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
The C++ application egs_chamber
is an advanced EGSnrc application derived from the cavity application. It calculates the dose to the cavity of an ionization chamber and the dose ratios of two correlated geometries, i.e., which can be used for the computation of perturbation factors. Photon cross section enhancement (XCSE), intermediate phase-space storage (IPSS) of the properties of particles entering user defined regions, and correlated sampling (CS) are combined in egs_chamber
to dramatically improve the efficiency of ion chamber simulations. Details on the implementation of these techniques in egs_chamber
can be found in [Wulff, Zink, and Kawrakow, Med. Phys. 35 (4), 2008] Motivation for this development was the fact that a Monte Carlo calculation of ion chamber ionization profiles inside a phantom irradiated by a large fields was still prohibitively long with existing tools such as the cavity
application. Despite the improved efficiency achieved with the VRTs available in cavity
, the calculation of perturbation factors and the calculation of ion chamber dose at more than one position inside a phantom was still extremely time consuming.
As mentioned above, egs_chamber
is particularly useful for the calculation of depth dose curves or a profile inside a phantom for a realistic ion chamber. In these cases it is recommended to select IPSS combined with XCSE. The implementation of IPSS requires a base geometry defining the phantom and an interior geometry acting as an imaginary envelope around the ion chamber at any of the desired positions in the phantom in a tight as possible manner (ion chamber is not included). This geometry is always the first calculation geometry
defined in the scoring options
input block. The phase-space of all particles entering this volume is recorded in a file and the transport in the base geometry terminated. All subsequent calculation geometry
entries in this input block are considered to correspond to geometries with the ion chamber inside the phantom at different locations. The surrounding volume defined in the base geometry for IPSS is not included in these geometries. An example of such an input is shown below:
:start scoring options: silent = 0 # 0 (verbose output), >0 (short output) #### # base geometry needed for IPSS #### :start calculation geometry: geometry name = phsp_scoring_geometry cavity regions = list_of_cavity_region_indices cavity mass = total cavity mass in gram cavity geometry = name of geometry for range rejection enhance regions = list_of_enhancement_region_indices enhancement = list_of_enhancement_factors :start transformation: translation = 0 0 -100.0 :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: #### # geometries corresponding to different ion chamber positions inside a phantom #### :start calculation geometry: geometry name = chamber_in_phantom_geometry cavity regions = list_of_cavity_region_indices cavity mass = total cavity mass in gram cavity geometry = name of geometry for range rejection enhance regions = list_of_enhancement_region_indices enhancement = list_of_enhancement_factors :start transformation: translation = X Y Z :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: . . as many as needed . correlated geometries = geometry_i geometry_l . . . as many as needed :stop scoring options:
The different input keys in this section should be easy to understand with the help of the explanatory text on the right-hand side. Each calculation geometry
requires the input of the cavity regions and mass. Dose ratios can be calculated if requested using the correlated geometries
input key. This is most efficiently used with the CS VRT (see below for more information).
Although the different VRT's implemented in egs_chamber
are turned on or off in the variance reduction
input block, the geometry specific parameters of these algorithms are defined in this section. Therefore, egs_chamber
expects the geometry name for range rejection based Russian Roulette as well as the cross section enhancement regions and factors here and not in the variance reduction
input block.
In the case of a large number of geometries, input-loops, a new feature in the egspp library, can be used to avoid typing the same stuff over and over again (see class reference EGS_InputLoopVariable for more details using input loops). An example defining several geometries with input loops would be:
# # The 3 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named # dose_-0.2cm, dose_0cm and dose_0.2cm and where the chamber is # partially in the water phantom and partially in the air. # :start scoring options: :start input loop: loop count = 3 loop variable = 1 var1 -0.2 0.2 loop variable = 1 var2 0.2 -0.2 :start calculation geometry: geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm cavity regions = 5 9 14 57 62 68 cavity mass = 0.0008361 cavity geometry = cavity enhance regions = list_of_enhancement_region_indices enhancement = list_of_enhancement_factors # We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its # transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in # phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the # water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is # at -$(var1) :start transformation: translation = 0 0 $(var2) :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: :stop input loop: :stop scoring options:
The implementation of the CS technique for the calculation of perturbation factors requires the definition of the names of the corresponding geometries and the geometrical regions within these geometries which are of a different material. It is obvious from the above that all these subgeometries will be geometrically identical and will only differ in the material in the user-defined regions. The required input is shown in the input block snippet below:
:start calculation geometry: . . . subgeometries = list_of_identical_geometries_with_material_differences subgeom regions = list_of_regions_where_composition_changes :stop calculation geometry:
Every single calculation geometry
but the first one can have sub-geometries assigned to them and therefore, perturbation factors at different locations in the phantom can be calculated on the fly.
In addition to the VRTs implemented in cavity (see Variance reduction techniques) egs_chamber
implements a combination of several VRTs to dramatically increase the in-phantom dose calculation efficiency for ionization chambers. These newly implemented VRT's in egs_chamber
are :
. However, the advantage of XCSE over photon splitting as implemented in egs_chamber
is the ability to set different enhancement factors on a region by region basis.The input block for defining the input parameters of the VRT's looks like the following example:
:start variance reduction: cs enhancement = 1 # 0 (XCSE off), >0 (XCSE on) TmpPhsp = 1 # i.e., score phase space and use it once in each specified # sub-geometry :start range rejection: rejection = N_r Esave = E_save # i.e. no range rejection but Russian Roulette cavity geometry = cavity # since each geometry can have its own # cavity geometry this is just a dummy rejection range medium = H2O521ICRU :stop range rejection: :stop variance reduction:
Range based Russian Roulette parameters are defined in input block range rejection
. This technique is explained in detail in section Variance reduction techniques of the cavity
manual. However it is worth noticing that in the case this VRT is used in different geometries, the cavity geometry
entries are supplied in the scoring options
input block for each calculation geometry
. In this case, the cavity geometry
here is still needed for initialization purposes and should correspond to an existing geometry. In conjunction with XCSE, the survival probability 1/N_r is used to split fat photons which survived RR when moving to a region with lowered XCSE factor. Thus rejection must be larger or equal to the largest XCSE factor used in the geometry.
XCSE is turned on/off with the input key cs enhancement
and requires the definition of enhancement regions as explained in section Scoring options. These are usually all ion chamber regions and a slightly larger region (shell) surrounding the ion chamber. To turn on this VRT All regions with XCSE-factor 1 must be specified in the input file and can be selected individually on a region-by-region basis. Table 1 in [Wulff, Zink, and Kawrakow, Med. Phys. 35 (4), 2008] gives optimum cylindrical shell thickness and XCSE factor for dose and
calculations for a Farmer ion chamber. As a rule of thumb, a 1 cm shell thickness is an optimal choice for dose calculations. For perturbation factors, thinner shells are more appropriate. When using different XCSE factors, one should make sure that the larger factors are divisible without remainder by the smaller factors (e.g. 2, 4, 8, 16 etc.).
Beware of possible fluctuations of the variance when a very thin shell surrounding the cavity whith a high XCSE factor is used. Fluctuations in statistical uncertainty will be caused by the contribution to the cavity dose of a bunch of almost identical electrons after splitting a fat electron from outside the XCSE region. This will have the same effect on the statistics as the contribution from the fat electron.
IPSS is turned on/off by means of the input key TmpPhsp
. Setting TmpPhsp
to 0 turns this VRT off and greater than 0 turns IPSS on. If TmpPhsp
is greater than 1, then it indicates the number of times to recycle the phase space. For this reason it must be a divisor of the XCSE factors. However, no gain in efficiency has been observed for TmpPhsp
larger than 1. When IPSS is turned on, the first geometry inside the scoring options
section is assumed to be the base geometry and a phase-space is scored whenever particles enter the defined cavity region of this geometry. Particle transport is discarded and as a result, no dose is scored for the first geometry. All subsequent calculation geometries use this phase-space as a particle source. It should be evident that any required affine transformation related with the original source needs to be only applied to the first geometry. Any affine transformation defined in the subsequent geometries will only affect the particles in the phase space.
As mentioned in section Scoring options, CS parameters are defined in the scoring options
input block and no input is required in the variance reduction
input block. While these parameters help define the phase space scoring volume, in order to compute the actual perturbation factors one must make use of the correlated geometries
input key in the scoring options
input block to obtain the dose ratio of the relevant geometries in the following way:
:start calculation geometry: . . . subgeometries = sub_1 sub_2 ... sub_n subgeom regions = reg_1 reg_2 ... reg_m :stop calculation geometry: correlated geometries = sub_i sub_l . . . enter as many as needed to compute desired perturbation factors
Tired of updating your lists of region numbers every time you change the geometry? Those days are over! Introducing: region labels.
With region labels you can set a label to point to local region numbers in a geometry. When you use the label, the corresponding global region numbers will be determined and substituted.
In short, insert a set label =
line into the geometry that contains your region(s) of interest. In the example below, notice that we set the label named mySphere1Label
to the local region 0. This region number is what you would expect if you loaded only sphere1
as your simulation geometry. Since there is only 1 sphere, there is only a single local region (indexed from 0), so we set the label to 0.
To include many local regions, just use a space separated list (e.g. 0 1 3 5).
:start geometry: name = sphere1 library = egs_spheres midpoint = 0 0 1 radii = 0.3 :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: set label = mySphere1Label 0 :stop geometry:
If we add more geometries, the global region number for the sphere above may change. Loading the following geometry into egs_view
shows us that sphere1 has the global region number 1.
:start geometry definition: :start geometry: name = my_box library = egs_box box size = 1 2 3 :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: :start geometry: name = sphere1 library = egs_spheres midpoint = 0 0 1 radii = 0.3 :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: set label = mySphere1Label 0 :stop geometry: :start geometry: name = sphere2 library = egs_spheres midpoint = 0 0 -1 radii = 0.3 :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: :start geometry: name = my_envelope library = egs_genvelope base geometry = my_box inscribed geometries = sphere1 sphere2 :stop geometry: simulation geometry = my_envelope :stop geometry definition:
Now in the scoring regions, rather than typing the global region 1 for sphere1
, we can use mySphere1Label
:start scoring options: silent = 0 :start calculation geometry: geometry name = my_envelope cavity regions = mySphere1Label cavity mass = 1 cavity geometry = my_envelope :stop calculation geometry: :stop scoring options:
Labels can be used anywhere you would otherwise type a list of global region numbers in an egs_chamber
input file.
As any other EGSnrc application, egs_chamber
can be started from the command line using
egs_chamber -i input_file -p pegs_file [-o output_file] [-b] [-s] [-P N -j i]
where the arguments in square brackets are optional. With the -o
option one can change the name of the output files (by default
is used, where xxx
is .egslog for the log file,
.egsdat for the data file, etc.). With
one specifies a "batch" run, i.e. the output is redirected to output_file.egslog
. With -s
one can force egs_chamber
to use a simple RCO instead of a JCF-RCO in parallel runs specified with -P N -j i
, where N
is the number of parallel jobs and i
the job index. Note that one Unix-type systems it is easier to use the exb
command to submit parallel jobs
exb egs_chamber input_file pegs_file [p=N] [batch=pbs]
where the batch
option specifies the queuing system to be used. The EGSnrc GUI can of course be also used, see see PIRS-877 for more details on running EGSnrc applications.
############################################################################## # # $Id: egs_chamber.doxy,v 1.10 2013/03/28 23:35:44 mainegra Exp $ # #***************************************************************************** # # An example input file for egs_chamber. # # This file defines an egs_chamber simulation of a farmer type chamber # positioned at different depths in and above a 30x30x30 cm water phantom. # An example of how to use a BEAMnrc simulation source is presented but # not used. Actual calculation source is a 10 cm X 10 cm 2 MeV photon beam. # The scoring plane of the BEAMnrc simulation is just below the photon jaws # at z=50 cm from the target, i.e., the air between the jaws and the water # surface at z=100 cm is included in the egs_chamber simulation. The XCSE # technique is used combined with phase-space scoring for particles entering # a rectangular 'tube' that encloses all chamber locations. Instead of using # a transformed geometry to position the chamber at different depths, the # chamber location is held fixed at 0 cm depth and the phantom+air slab is # moved up and down. This is accompanied with a corresponding transformation # of particle positions between transport in each geometry. The advantage of # using this approach is that the transformation is applied once per particle # track per geometry, whereas a transformed geometry approach requires the # transformation to be applied for each geometry related computation # (i.e., at least once per particle step). # ############################################################################## ################################# Define the simulation geometries. # :start geometry definition: ################################################################### # The farmer chamber modeled using a cone stack # along the X-axis with chamber midpoint positioned # at (0,0,0). Note that there will be two versions of the # chamber geometry. One version will be the bare chamber, # the other will have an extra water shell around it for using # XCSE. Adding the XCSE regions directly to the chamber geometry # instead of having it as part of the phantom makes things # slightly easier. # ################################################################## # Chamber including water XCSE shell. # The cone stack has 9 layers with a maximum # of 5 regions per layer => it will count as having 45 regions # cavity regions = 10, 15, 21 # XCSE will be on in regions 0, 5,6, 10,11,12, 15,16,17 # 20,21,22,23, 25,26,27,28,29 ################################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cones type = EGS_ConeStack name = chamber_in_water_xcse axis = 2.2417 0 0 -1 0 0 # # region 0: a water region for XCSE # :start layer: thickness = 1.0 top radii = 1.35 bottom radii = 1.35 media = H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 5,6: the chamber tip + a XCSE region # :start layer: thickness = 0.0417 top radii = 0. 1.35 bottom radii = 0.0858 1.35 media = C173521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 10, 11, 12: chamber body + a XCSE region # :start layer: thickness = 0.1283 top radii = 0. 0.0858 1.35 bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 1.35 media = AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 15, 16, 17: chamber body + a XCSE region # :start layer: thickness = 0.2217 bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 1.35 media = AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 20, 21, 22, 23 # :start layer: thickness = 2.05 top radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 1.35 bottom radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 1.35 media = AL521ICRU AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 # Note: this and the following layer belong to the same # portion of the chamber stem. However, we split # it into 2 parts. We will use XCSE in this layer # and not use XCSE in all subsequent layers. # :start layer: thickness = 1.0 top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35 bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU C173521ICRU DURAL521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 # :start layer: thickness = 0.305 top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35 bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 1.35 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU C173521ICRU DURAL521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 35, 36, 37, 38 # :start layer: thickness = 0.84 top radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 1.35 bottom radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 1.35 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU DURAL521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: # # regions 40, 41, 42, 43 # :start layer: thickness = 1.655 top radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 1.35 bottom radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 1.35 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU DURAL521ICRU H2O521ICRU :stop layer: :stop geometry: ################################################################# # The bare chamber without a XCSE shell around it. # The cone stack has 8 layers with a maximum # of 4 regions per layer => it will count as having 32 regions # cavity regions = 4,8,13 ################################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cones type = EGS_ConeStack name = chamber axis = 1.2417 0 0 -1 0 0 # region 0 :start layer: thickness = 0.0417 top radii = 0. bottom radii = 0.0858 media = C173521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 4, 5 :start layer: thickness = 0.1283 top radii = 0. 0.0858 bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 media = AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 8, 9 :start layer: thickness = 0.2217 bottom radii = 0.3125 0.35 media = AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 12, 13, 14 :start layer: thickness = 2.05 top radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 bottom radii = 0.050 0.3125 0.35 media = AL521ICRU AIR521ICRU C173521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 16, 17, 18, 19 :start layer: thickness = 1.0 top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU C173521ICRU DURAL521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 20, 21, 22, 23 :start layer: thickness = 0.305 top radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 bottom radii = 0.050 0.175 0.35 0.4000 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU C173521ICRU DURAL521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 24, 25, 26 :start layer: thickness = 0.84 top radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 bottom radii = 0.050 0.35 0.4000 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU DURAL521ICRU :stop layer: # regions 28, 29, 30 :start layer: thickness = 1.655 top radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 bottom radii = 0.0750 0.3500 0.4000 media = AL521ICRU PTCFE521ICRU DURAL521ICRU :stop layer: :stop geometry: ########################################################## # The cavity needed for range rejection/Russian Roulette ########################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cones type = EGS_ConeStack name = cavity axis = 1.201 0 0 -1 0 0 :start layer: thickness = 2.402 top radii = 0.313 bottom radii = 0.313 media = AIR521ICRU :stop layer: :stop geometry: ########################################################## # The chamber surrounded by a huge air region ######################################################### :start geometry: library = egs_space name = air_around_chamber :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = chamber_in_air base geometry = air_around_chamber inscribed geometries = chamber :stop geometry: ########################################################## # The chamber surrounded by a XCSE water region + a huge # water region ######################################################### :start geometry: library = egs_space name = water_around_chamber :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = chamber_in_water base geometry = water_around_chamber inscribed geometries = chamber_in_water_xcse :stop geometry: ############################################################# # A rectilinear "tube" of air, infinite along the beam axis, # in which the chamber will be moving up and down. ############################################################# :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry name = air_chamber_tube x-planes = -5.001 1.2427 y-planes = -0.351 0.351 z-planes = -999 999 :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ############################################################## # A 30x30 cm^2 rectilinear region of air, infinite along the # beam axis. ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry name = air_slab x-planes = -30 30 y-planes = -30 30 z-planes = -1000 1000 :start media input: media = AIR521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ############################################################### # The air "tube" inscribed into the above air region. This # will become the air region above the water phantom when it is # put in place in the final geometry using a CD geometry. ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = air base geometry = air_slab inscribed geometries = air_chamber_tube :stop geometry: ################################################################ # A rectilinear "tube" of water, infinite along the beam axis, # in which the chamber will be moving up and down. ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry name = water_chamber_tube x-planes = -5.001 1.2427 y-planes = -0.351 0.351 z-planes = -998 998 :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ################################################################### # Another rectilinear "tube" of water, infinite along the beam axis, # which will be used for cross section enhancement. ################################################################### :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry name = water_xcse_tube x-planes = -5.002 2.2427 y-planes = -1.351 1.351 z-planes = -999 999 :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ############################################################## # A 30x30 cm^2 rectilinear region of water, infinite along the # beam axis. ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry name = water_slab x-planes = -30 30 y-planes = -30 30 z-planes = -1000 1000 :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ################################################################ # The chamber motion "tube" inscribed into the water XCSE "tube" ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = water_xcse base geometry = water_xcse_tube inscribed geometries = water_chamber_tube :stop geometry: ############################################################### # The water chamber movement and XCSE "tubes" inscribed into # the above water region. This will become the water phantom when # it is put in place in the final geometry using a CD geometry. ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = water base geometry = water_slab inscribed geometries = water_xcse :stop geometry: ################################################################## # 3 z-planes to be used in the CD geometry below ################################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_planes type = EGS_Zplanes name = base_z_planes positions = -50 0.0 30 :stop geometry: ################################################################## # The actual simulation geometry without the chamber. It consists # from a 30x30 cm^2 air region between z=-50 and z=0 and a # 30x30 cm^2 water region between z=0 and z=30. # This is the geometry where the # transport of particles coming from the particle source will # begin. We will use XCSE in the entire air region and in the # water_xcse sub-geometry defined above. We will also mark the # regions defined as water_chamber_tube and air_chamber_tube # as "cavity". The result of this will be that when a particle # enters these region, its phase will be stored and the particle # transport terminated. The phase space will then be used to # initiate transport in geometries containing the chamber at # different locations. ################################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = phsp_scoring_geometry base geometry = base_z_planes set geometry = 0 air set geometry = 1 water :stop geometry: ################################################################### # Constructs geometries for 5 chamber positions in air ################################################################### # Note: we use input loop for this to avoid typing the same stuff # over and over again. Input loops are a new feature in the # egspp library available since Summer 2007. When an input # loop is encountered, the content between :start input loop: # and :stop input loop: is repeated the number of times # specified in 'loop count = '. In each iteration the loop # variables take a new value as defined by their definitions # (see below). #################################################################### :start input loop: loop count = 5 # Define a floating point loop variable (type=1) named var1 # that takes values -45.0 + i*(-1) in the i'th loop. # All occureneces of $(var1) will be replaced by this. loop variable = 1 var1 -45.0 -1 # Similar as above but $(var2) = 5.0 + i*(-1) loop variable = 1 var2 5.0 -1 # Similar as above but $(var4) = 5.5 + i*(-1) loop variable = 1 var4 5.5 -1 # Similar as above but $(var3) = 35.0 + i*(-1) loop variable = 1 var3 35.0 -1 ############################################################## # The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom # Note: we add a 0.5 cm thick region of water where we will # be using XCSE. This will hopefully improve the statistics # of backscattered dose. ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_planes type = EGS_Zplanes name = zplanes_-$(var2)cm positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var4) $(var3) # i.e., in the avove the planes will be # -45.0 5.0 5.5 35.0 in the first loop execution, # -46.0 4.0 4.5 34.0 in the second loop execution, etc. :stop geometry: ############################################################### # The air + water phantom ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = phantom_-$(var2)cm # i.e., we will get geometries named phantom_-5cm, phantom_-4cm, etc. base geometry = zplanes_-$(var2)cm set geometry = 0 air_slab set geometry = 1 water_slab set geometry = 2 water_slab :stop geometry: ################################################################ # The chamber inscribed into the air above the water phantom ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = dose_-$(var2)cm # i.e., we will get geometries named dose_-4cm, dose_-3cm, etc. base geometry = phantom_-$(var2)cm set geometry = 0 chamber_in_air :stop geometry: :stop input loop: ################################################################### # Constructs geometries for 15 chamber positions in water # Same approach as above using an input loop ################################################################### :start input loop: loop count = 15 loop variable = 1 var1 -50.4 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var2 -0.4 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var3 29.6 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var4 0.4 0.2 ############################################################## # The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_planes type = EGS_Zplanes name = zplanes_$(var4)cm positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var3) :stop geometry: ############################################################### # The air + water phantom ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = phantom_$(var4)cm base geometry = zplanes_$(var4)cm set geometry = 0 air_slab set geometry = 1 water_slab :stop geometry: ################################################################ # The chamber inscribed into the water phantom ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = dose_$(var4)cm new indexing style = 1 base geometry = phantom_$(var4)cm set geometry = 1 chamber_in_water :stop geometry: :stop input loop: ################################################################### # Constructs geometries for 3 chamber positions where the chamber # is partially in the air and partially in the water ################################################################### :start input loop: loop count = 3 loop variable = 1 var1 -49.8 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var2 0.2 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var3 30.2 -0.2 loop variable = 1 var4 -0.2 0.2 ############################################################## # The z-planes to define the air region and the water phantom ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_planes type = EGS_Zplanes name = zplanes_$(var4)cm positions = $(var1) $(var2) $(var3) :stop geometry: ############################################################### # The air + water phantom ############################################################## :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = phantom_$(var4)cm base geometry = zplanes_$(var4)cm set geometry = 0 air_slab set geometry = 1 water_slab :stop geometry: ################################################################ # The chamber inscribed into the water phantom ################################################################ :start geometry: library = egs_cdgeometry name = dose_$(var4)cm base geometry = phantom_$(var4)cm set geometry = 0 chamber_in_air set geometry = 1 chamber_in_water :stop geometry: :stop input loop: simulation geometry = dose_0cm :stop geometry definition: ########################################### The sources: # Two possible sources defined # here. :start source definition: ############################### A full BEAMnrc treatment head # simulation. Needs BEAM simulation! # Left here only as example of how # to use BEAM as a source. :start source: library = egs_beam_source name = the_beam_source beam code = BEAM_EX16MVp pegs file = 700icru input file = test particle type = all weight window = 0 0.1 # This discards fat particles. :stop source: ############################### 10 cm X 10 cm 2 MeV photon parallel beam # :start source: library = egs_parallel_beam name = the_parallel_source charge = 0 :start shape: library = egs_rectangle rectangle = -5 -5 5 5 :start transformation: translation = 0 0 50 :stop transformation: :stop shape: :start spectrum: type = monoenergetic energy = 2 :stop spectrum: :stop source: simulation source = the_parallel_source :stop source definition: ############################################ Run control # :start run control: ncase = 5000000 :stop run control: ############################################# Scoring :start scoring options: silent = 0 # # The simulation starts in the first calculation geometry # If phase space scoring is set, which it is in our case, # (see the variance reduction section below), # then all particles entering the region specified as cavity are # stored and then they are further transported in the additional # calculation geometries specified # :start calculation geometry: geometry name = phsp_scoring_geometry cavity regions = 1 5 cavity mass = 1 cavity geometry = air_chamber_tube enhance regions = 0 1 4 5 enhancement = 128 128 128 128 # # Note: the transformation specified below is applied to particle # positions before checking if the particle enters the geometry. # In the case of a BEAMnrc simulation source, the particle positions # are the positions when the particles cross the scoring plane # i.e. at (x,y,50) in this case. The top of this geometry is at # z=-50 => we must translate the particle positions by -100. # :start transformation: translation = 0 0 -100.001 :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: # -------------------------------------- the actual calculation geometries # # # Note: this is not a 'real' input loop because we only do it once. # The purpose of using it is to define the cse loop variable, which will be # used as the XCSE factor. This way, we only need to change it once here, # instead of going to all 'enhancement = ...' inputs when we want to # investigate the optimum XCSE factor. # :start input loop: loop count = 1 loop variable = 0 cse 128 0 # # The 5 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named # dose_-5cm, dose_-4cm, ..., and the chamber is completely in the air above # the water phantom. # :start input loop: loop count = 5 loop variable = 1 var1 -5 1 loop variable = 1 var2 5 -1 :start calculation geometry: geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm # Cavity regions in chamber are 4, 8, 13. chamber is inscribed # via an envelope in chamber_in_air, so there cavity regions are # 5, 9, 14. chamber_in_air is then put into region 0 of dose_$(var1)cm # using a CD geometry => cavity regions are still 5, 9, 14 cavity regions = 5 9 14 cavity mass = 0.0008361 cavity geometry = cavity # We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions # of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of # dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water. enhance regions = 0 1 5 6 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 33 enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \ $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) # We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its # transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in # phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the # water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is # at -($var1) :start transformation: translation = 0 0 $(var2) :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: :stop input loop: # # The 3 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named # dose_-0.2cm, dose_0cm and dose_0.2cm and where the chamber is partially in # the water phantom and partially in the air # :start input loop: loop count = 3 loop variable = 1 var1 -0.2 0.2 loop variable = 1 var2 0.2 -0.2 :start calculation geometry: geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm # Cavity regions in chamber_in_water_xcse are 10,15,21. # chamber_in_water_xcse is inscribed # via an envelope in chamber_in_water, so there cavity regions are # 11, 16, 22. chamber_in_water is then put into region 1 of dose_$(var1)cm # using a CD geometry with the new indexing style => cavity regions become # 12, 17, 22 cavity regions = 5 9 14 57 62 68 cavity mass = 0.0008361 cavity geometry = cavity # We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions # of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of # dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water. enhance regions = 0 \ # outside air 1 5 6 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 \ # chamber portion in air 47 52 53 57 58 59 62 63 64 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \ $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \ $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \ $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) # We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its # transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in # phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the # water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is # at -($var1) :start transformation: translation = 0 0 $(var2) :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: :stop input loop: # # The 15 chamber locations where the calculation geometries are named # dose_0.4cm, dose_0.6cm, ..., and the chamber is completely in # the water phantom. # :start input loop: loop count = 15 loop variable = 1 var1 0.4 0.2 loop variable = 1 var2 -0.4 -0.2 :start calculation geometry: geometry name = dose_$(var1)cm # Cavity regions in chamber_in_water_xcse are 10,15,21. # chamber_in_water_xcse is inscribed # via an envelope in chamber_in_water, so there cavity regions are # 11, 16, 22. chamber_in_water is then put into region 1 of dose_$(var1)cm # using a CD geometry with the new indexing style => cavity regions become # 12, 17, 22 cavity regions = 12 17 23 cavity mass = 0.0008361 cavity geometry = cavity # We want to use XCSE in most chamber regions (don't need XCSE in the portions # of the stem that are too far away from the cavity) + in the air of # dose_(var1)cm + in the 0.5 cm thick layer of water. enhance regions = 0 2 7 8 12 13 14 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 enhancement = $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) \ $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) $(cse) # We need to add a translation applied to the particle position before its # transport starts in this geometry from the phase space scored in # phsp_scoring_geometry. This is so because in phsp_scoring_geometry the # water surface is at z=0, wheras in dose_$(var1)cm the water surface is # at -($var1) :start transformation: translation = 0 0 $(var2) :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: :stop input loop: :stop input loop: :stop scoring options: ############################################# Variance reduction :start variance reduction: cs enhancement = 1 TmpPhsp = 1 # i.e., score phase space and use it once in each specified # geometry :start range rejection: rejection = 512 Esave = 0.521 # i.e. no range rejection but Russian Roulette cavity geometry = cavity # since each geometry can have its own # cavity geometry this is just a dummy rejection range medium = H2O521ICRU :stop range rejection: :stop variance reduction: :start MC transport parameter: # Define here parameters that should be different from their defaults. :stop MC transport parameter:
An option has been added to the scoring options
input block of egs_chamber
that allows the estimation of experimentally positioning-induced dose uncertainties. This option is useful in situations where it is not possible to evaluate this type of uncertainty by experimental means. Isocenter and cavity positioning can be defined independently each using 6 degrees of freedom: 3 for translations (x,y,z) and 3 for rotations (thetax,thetay,thetaz). For each type of positioning, the user-defined parameters are distribution type, maximum shift, sigma (for Gaussian distributions only), the number of cases per position (M) and the number of positions per history (N).
The implemented statistical estimator is unbiased and possibly yields negative values. Hence it is crucial that the user optimizes the parameters N and M to make the simulation efficient for each individual dosimetric situation (even if one changes only position or field size). When optimizing these parameters, it is recommended to set the number of positions per sample to the minimum (N = 2) and then optimize the number of cases per position (M) using the efficiency indicator output with the simulation results. Once the optimal M is found, one can increase N so that a reasonable number of histories per sample (NM) is obtained. The uncertainty on the estimation of positioning-induced dose uncertainty is calculated from K samples, such that the total number of histories simulated is equal to NMK. It is recommended to verify that the number of histories per sample NM is such that each batch contains enough histories to calculate a sample, otherwise the result will come out undefined. Therefore the user must check that the number of histories per batches is greater than NM. This can be a limiting factor when using parallel runs if the job splitting number is large. When using a source library or a particle phase-space the number of particles per history can be larger than one. In these cases the number of histories per batch should be greater than NM times a factor depending on the source. For these sources it is recommended to perform check runs.
The geometry must be carefully defined such that the particle does not enter the cavity or exit the phantom when it is randomly transformed. It must also be ensured that the particle remains in a homogeneous scoreless region during that process. For that reason, the isocenter option must be used with an additional layer of material (vacuum or air) above the phantom. The particle's starting position should be defined inside this layer, not at a boundary. The random tranformation should leave the particle inside this additional layer. The cavity option must be used with the TmpPhsp option, since it is used to randomly transform the particle's position from the TmpPhsp volume envelope. The TmpPhsp volume must be:
Finally, when using the cavity positioning option, it is recommended that the scoring volume is located at least 5 cm below the water surface, otherwise the calculation will simulate detector motion inaccurately.
Here is an example of the user-defined input to calculate positioning-induced dose uncertainty:
:start scoring options: . . . :start isocenter positioning uncertainty: :start translation: distribution = gaussian max shift = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 sigma = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 :stop translation: :start rotation: distribution = uniform max shift = 0, 0.1, 0 :stop rotation: ncase per position = 1000000 positions per sample = 10 :stop isocenter positioning uncertainty: :start cavity positioning uncertainty: :start translation: distribution = uniform max shift = 0, 0, 1 :stop translation: :stop cavity positioning uncertainty: . . . :stop scoring options:
############################################### :start geometry definition: ################ Small volumes # # define small volumes of H2O521ICRU for # "point" dose calculation including XCSE # # regions 0-1 ##Cavity: 0 :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry x-planes = -1.0 1.0 y-planes = -1.0 1.0 z-planes = 4.9 5.1 name = d1 :start media input: media = SI521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ################ Range rejection cavities # define cavities for range rejection ################ Tmp phsp :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry x-planes = -2.0 2.0 y-planes = -2.0 2.0 z-planes = 3.0 7.0 name = phsp_scoring :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ################ Phantom # # The H2O521ICRU phantom # :start geometry: library = egs_ndgeometry type = EGS_XYZGeometry x-planes = -15 15 y-planes = -15 15 z-planes = 0.0 30.0 name = phantom :start media input: media = H2O521ICRU :stop media input: :stop geometry: ################ Complete simulations # # Now inscribe all relevant geometries into the H2O521ICRU phantom # ################################## :start input loop: loop count = 2 loop variable = 2 inscribed phsp_scoring d1 loop variable = 2 gname phsp g1 :start geometry: library = egs_genvelope name = $(gname) base geometry = phantom inscribed geometries = $(inscribed) :stop geometry: :stop input loop: ################################## ###Simulation geometries and/or display #simulation geometry = phsp simulation geometry = g1 :stop geometry definition: ############################################### :start source definition: :start source: library = egs_collimated_source name = the_source :start source shape: type = point position = 0, 0, -100 :stop source shape: :start target shape: library = egs_rectangle rectangle = -5 -5 5 5 position = 0, 0, 0 :stop target shape: :start spectrum: type = monoenergetic energy = 1 :stop spectrum: charge = 0 :stop source: simulation source = the_source :stop source definition: ############################################### :start run control: ncase = 100000000 #calculation = restart :stop run control: ############################################### :start scoring options: silent = 0 #calculation type = Fano #calculation type = Fano :start isocenter positioning uncertainty: :start translation: distribution = gaussian max shift = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 sigma = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 :stop translation: :start rotation: distribution = uniform max shift = 0, 0.1, 0 :stop rotation: ncase per position = 1000000 positions per sample = 10 :stop isocenter positioning uncertainty: :start cavity positioning uncertainty: :start translation: distribution = uniform max shift = 0, 0, 1 :stop translation: :stop cavity positioning uncertainty: :start calculation geometry: geometry name = phsp cavity regions = 1 cavity mass = 1 enhance regions = -1 enhancement = 256 cavity geometry = phsp_scoring :start transformation: translation = 0 0 0 :stop transformation: :stop calculation geometry: :start calculation geometry: geometry name = g1 cavity regions = 1 cavity mass = 1 cavity geometry = d1 :stop calculation geometry: :stop scoring options: ############################################### :start variance reduction: cs enhancement = 0 TmpPhsp = 1 # i.e., score phase space and use it once in each specified # geometry :start range rejection: rejection = 512 Esave = 0.512 cavity geometry = phsp_scoring #this is a dummy rejection range medium = H2O521ICRU :stop range rejection: :stop variance reduction: ############################################### :start MC transport parameter: estepe = 0.5 ximax = 0.25 #Global Pcut = 0.01 # Define here parameters that should be different from their defaults. :stop MC transport parameter: ###############################################