EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Public Attributes | List of all members
EGS_Bounds Struct Reference

A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc transport threshold energies common block BOUNDS. More...

#include <egs_interface2.h>

Public Attributes

EGS_Float ecut
EGS_Float pcut
EGS_Float ecut_new
EGS_Float pcut_new
EGS_Float vacdst

Detailed Description

A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc transport threshold energies common block BOUNDS.

Note that the original BOUNDS common block contains transport threshold energies on a region-by-region basis. To remove this dependence on the geometry (which determines the number of regions), BOUNDS is replaced with a new definition in egs_c_interface2.macros removing the region dependence but introducing ecut_new and pcut_new. To obtain the original functionality of a region-by-region threshold enerty variation, these variables can be set to the desired values each time the transport of a new particle begins and each time a particle enters a new region. The best way to do this is to set up that the ausgab() function is called before a step is taken (i.e. iarg=0) and to set ecut_new or pcut_new to the desired value in ausgab(), if a new region will be entered after the step. In addition, ecut or pcut must be set to the actual value in the current region when the transport of a new particle begins. When the transport of a new particle begins, the function egsStartParticle is called. User codes written in C must provide an implementation of this function. User codes in C++ deriving from EGS_AdvancedApplication must implement the startNewParticle() function. Region-by-region variation of the transport thresholds is not possible in simple C++ applications deriving from EGS_SimpleApplication. Note that when setting transport threshold energies you mist make sure that they are higher then, or equal to, the particle production threshold energies AE (electrons) and AP (photons), otherwise program crashes are likely. AE and AP are the particle production thresholds that are determined by the PEGS data being used. They are available from struct EGS_Thresh for all media in the simulation geometry.

Definition at line 178 of file egs_interface2.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ecut

EGS_Float EGS_Bounds::ecut

Electron/positron transport threshold energy in MeV, including rest energy

Definition at line 181 of file egs_interface2.h.

Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().

◆ pcut

EGS_Float EGS_Bounds::pcut

Photon transport threshold energy in MeV

Definition at line 183 of file egs_interface2.h.

Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().

◆ ecut_new

EGS_Float EGS_Bounds::ecut_new

Electron/positron transport threshold energy in the new region

Definition at line 185 of file egs_interface2.h.

◆ pcut_new

EGS_Float EGS_Bounds::pcut_new

Photon transport threshold energy in the new region

Definition at line 187 of file egs_interface2.h.

◆ vacdst

EGS_Float EGS_Bounds::vacdst

Transport distance in vacuum

Definition at line 189 of file egs_interface2.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: