EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
A structure corresponding to the egs_vr
common block.
#include <egs_interface2.h>
Public Attributes | |
EGS_Float | e_max_rr |
EGS_Float | e_max_rr_new |
EGS_Float | prob_RR |
EGS_I32 | nbr_split |
EGS_I32 | i_play_RR |
EGS_I32 | i_survived_RR |
EGS_I32 | n_RR_warning |
EGS_I32 | i_do_rr |
A structure corresponding to the egs_vr
common block.
The egs_vr
common block contains variables that can turn on/off internally implemented variabce reduction techniques.
Definition at line 563 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_Float EGS_VarianceReduction::e_max_rr |
Maximum energy for which it is allowed to use range rejection. Note that range rejection is an approximation because it ignores the possibility of bremstrahlung creation that mey leave the region of range-discard (and therefore actually not a real variance reduction technique as per definition, a variance reduction technique is a technique that improves the simulation efficiency without changing the result in a statistically significant way). One can decrease the associated error by decreasing e_max_rr (when e_max_rr is sufficiently small, the fraction of energy transfered to bremsstrahlung becomes negligible).
Definition at line 576 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_Float EGS_VarianceReduction::e_max_rr_new |
Maximum range rejection energy in the new region
Definition at line 579 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_Float EGS_VarianceReduction::prob_RR |
Probability for Russian Roulette (RR) (i_play_RR must be set to 1 to play RR).
Definition at line 583 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_VarianceReduction::nbr_split |
Number of times to split radiative events
Definition at line 586 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_VarianceReduction::i_play_RR |
If set to 1, Russian Roulette will be played with electrons created in photon interactions using a survival probability prob_RR. This is useful together with radiative splitting (i.e. nbr_split > 1)
Definition at line 593 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_VarianceReduction::i_survived_RR |
If Roussian Roulette of electrons created in photon interactions is on (i_play_RR is 1), i_survived_RR is set to the number of electrons killed in the RR game.
Definition at line 599 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_VarianceReduction::n_RR_warning |
Counts warnings in RR (if prob_RR is less than 0).
Definition at line 602 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_VarianceReduction::i_do_rr |
Turns on range rejection if set to 1 (default is 0).
Definition at line 606 of file egs_interface2.h.