EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
A structure corresponding to the xsection_options
common block.
#include <egs_interface2.h>
Public Attributes | |
EGS_I32 | ibrdst |
EGS_I32 | iprdst |
EGS_I32 | ibr_nist |
EGS_I32 | spin_effects |
EGS_I32 | ibcmp |
EGS_I32 | iraylr |
EGS_I32 | iedgfl |
EGS_I32 | iphter |
EGS_I32 | pair_nrc |
EGS_I32 | itriplet |
EGS_I32 | radc_flag |
EGS_I32 | eii_flag |
EGS_I32 | iphotonuc |
EGS_I32 | eadl_relax |
EGS_I32 | mcdf_pe_xsections |
A structure corresponding to the xsection_options
common block.
Contains all cross section options available for EGSnrc. Note that this common block is created specifically for the C/C++ interface using mortran's replacement capabilities by removing the cross section option variables from their respective common blocks (e.g. ibrdst
is normally in BREMPR
) and putting them together into a cross section options common block, so that not so many mortran common blocks have to be exported as C structures (especially in view of the fact that most of the information in these common blocks is private to the EGSnrc system and should not be touched by the user).
Note that in C++ applications derived from EGS_SimpleApplication and EGS_AdvancedApplication all cross section options can be set in the input file by including
:start MC transport parameter: Bound Compton scattering = On/Off Rayleigh scattering = On/Off ... :stop MC transport parameter:
(see the documentation of the data members for the keys needed for all options). A similar effect can be obtained in C applications by using the egsGetTransportParameter() function.
Definition at line 390 of file egs_interface2.h.
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::ibrdst |
Determines the angular distribution of bremstrahlung. If set to 2, Eq. 2BS of the review article by Koch and Motz will be used. If set to 1, the leading term of 2BS will be used (the default). If set to zero, the photons will inherit the direction of the electron so that the user can implement their own angular distribution by calling ausgab
() after the bremsstrahlung event and setting the angles of the photons.
Can be set in the input file using
Brems angular sampling= Simple or KM
Definition at line 405 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::iprdst |
Determines the angular distribution of pair particles. If set to 2, the Schiff formula will be used (Eq. 3D-2003 of the review article by Motz, Olsen and Koch), if set to 1 the leading term of the Schiff formula will be used (the default), if set to 0 the original EGS4 approach of polar angle = ratio of rest energy to total energy is employed.
Can be set in the input file using
Pair angular sampling= Off or Simple or KM
Definition at line 418 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::ibr_nist |
Determines the bremsstrahlung cross sections differential in the photon energy to be used for sampling the photon energy. If set to 0, the Bethe-Heitler high energy approximation will be used. If set to 1, the NIST tabulations provided by Steve Seltzer will be employed. If set to 2, the NRC brems data will be used, which is a modified version of the NIST data with corrected electron-electron brems contributions. Default is 0.
Can be set in the input file using
Brems cross sections= BH or NIST or NRC
Definition at line 433 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::spin_effects |
Determines if spin effects will be taken into account in electron and positron elastic scattering (1=yes, the default, 0=no)
Can be set in the input file using
Spin effects= On or Off
Definition at line 443 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit(), and EGS_AdvancedApplication::initCrossSections().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::ibcmp |
Bound Compton scattering flag. If set to 0, Compton scattering will be modeled according to Klein-Nishina, if set to 1 (the default), Compton scattering will be modeled according to the relativistic impulse approximation that takes into account binding and Doppler broadenning.
Can be set in the input file using
Bound Compton scattering= On or Off
Definition at line 456 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::iraylr |
Reyleigh scattering flag. If set to 0 (the default), no Reyleigh scattering will be done. Note that if you turn on Reyleigh scattering by setting this flag to 1, all PEGS4 data sets must include Reyleigh data
Can be set in the input file using
Reyleigh scattering= On or Off
Definition at line 468 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit(), and EGS_AdvancedApplication::setRayleighData().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::iedgfl |
Atomic relaxations flag. If set to 1 (the default), vacancies created in shells with binding energies above 1 keV will be relaxed by fluorescent, Auger and Coster-Kronig transitions. Vacancies can be currently created after photo-absorption, bound Compton scattering and electron inelastic scattering (if eii_flag is not 0). If set to 0, the binding energy will be given to the photo-electron or deposited locally.
Definition at line 478 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::iphter |
Determines the angular distribution of photo-electrons. If set to 1 (the default), the angle of photo-electrons will be sampled from the Sauter distribution. If set to 0, photo-electrons inherit the direction of the incident photon.
Can be set in the input file using
Atomic relaxations= On or Off
Definition at line 490 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::pair_nrc |
Pair cross sections flag. If set to 0 (the default), the energy of the pair particles will be sampled from the first Born approximation cross section in its high-energy appoximation derived by Bethe-Heitler. If set to 1, energies will be sampled from the NRC tabulations based on the exact cross sections (tabulations are available up to 85 MeV, above 85 MeV the Bethe-Heitler cross sections are very close to the exact cross sections).
Can be set in the input file using
Pair cross sections= BH or NRC
Definition at line 505 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::itriplet |
Triplet production flag. If set to 0 (the default), triplet events will be simulated as pair events. If set to 1, triplet event will be explicitely simulated using the Borsellino cross section
Can be set in the input file using
Triplet production= On or Off
Definition at line 516 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::radc_flag |
Flag for radiative corrections for Compton scattering. If set to 0 (the default), Compton scattering is modelled according to Klein-Nishina or RIA, depending on ibcmp. If set to 1 and rad_compton.mortran is compiled with the other EGSnrc mortran sources, radiative corrections are taken into account in next-to-leading order.
Can be set in the input file using
Radiative Compton corrections= On or Off
Definition at line 530 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::eii_flag |
Electron impact ionization (EII) flag. If set to 0 (the default), no EII occurs. If set to 1, EII is simulated using cross sections based on unpublished work by Kawrakow
Can be set in the input file using
Electron Impact Ionization= On or Off
Definition at line 541 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::setEIIData().
EGS_I32 EGS_XOptions::iphotonuc |
Photonuclear attenuation flag. OFF if set to 0 (the default).
Can be set in the input file using
Photonuclear attenuation= On or Off
Definition at line 550 of file egs_interface2.h.
Referenced by EGS_AdvancedApplication::helpInit().