EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
EGS_IsotropicSource Class Reference

An isotropic source. More...

#include <egs_isotropic_source.h>

Inheritance diagram for EGS_IsotropicSource:
EGS_BaseSimpleSource EGS_BaseSource EGS_Object

Public Types

enum  GeometryConfinement { IncludeAll = 0 , ExcludeAll = 1 , IncludeSelected = 2 , ExcludeSelected = 3 }
 Geometry confinement options.

Public Member Functions

 EGS_IsotropicSource (int Q, EGS_BaseSpectrum *Spec, EGS_BaseShape *Shape, EGS_BaseGeometry *geometry, const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Constructor. More...
 EGS_IsotropicSource (EGS_Input *, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Constructor. More...
void getPositionDirection (EGS_RandomGenerator *rndm, EGS_Vector &x, EGS_Vector &u, EGS_Float &wt)
EGS_Float getFluence () const
bool storeFluenceState (ostream &) const
bool setFluenceState (istream &)
bool isValid () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_BaseSimpleSource
 EGS_BaseSimpleSource (int Q, EGS_BaseSpectrum *Spec, const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Constructor. More...
 EGS_BaseSimpleSource (EGS_Input *input, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Construct a 'simple' particle source from the information pointed to by input. More...
 ~EGS_BaseSimpleSource ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual EGS_I64 getNextParticle (EGS_RandomGenerator *rndm, int &Q, int &latch, EGS_Float &E, EGS_Float &wt, EGS_Vector &x, EGS_Vector &u)
 Sample the next source particle from the source probability distribution. More...
virtual EGS_Float getEmax () const
 Get the maximum energy of the source. More...
int getCharge () const
 Get the charge of the source. More...
virtual bool storeState (ostream &data_out) const
 Store the source state to the data stream data_out. More...
virtual bool addState (istream &data)
 Add the source state from the stream data to the current state. More...
virtual void resetCounter ()
 Reset the source to a state with zero sampled particles. More...
virtual bool addFluenceData (istream &data)
 Add fluence data from the stream data to the current state. More...
virtual void resetFluenceCounter ()
 Reset the data related to the sampling of positions and directions to a state with zero sampled particles. More...
virtual bool setState (istream &data)
 Set the source state according to the data in the stream data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_BaseSource
 EGS_BaseSource (const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Construct a source named Name.
 EGS_BaseSource (EGS_Input *input, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Construct a source from the input pointed to by inp. More...
const char * getSourceDescription () const
 Get a short description of this source. More...
virtual void setSimulationChunk (EGS_I64 nstart, EGS_I64 nrun, int npar, int nchunk)
 Set the next simulation chunk to start at nstart and to consist of nrun particles. More...
virtual void printSampledEmissions ()
 Print statistics on what was sampled from the source.
virtual vector< EGS_Ensdf * > getRadionuclideEnsdf ()
 Get the radionuclide ENSDF object from the source. More...
EGS_Float getTimeIndex ()
void setTimeIndex (EGS_Float temp_time)
virtual void containsDynamic (bool &hasdynamic)
- Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_Object
 EGS_Object (const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Create an EGS_Object named Name belonging to the object factory f. More...
 EGS_Object (EGS_Input *inp, EGS_ObjectFactory *f=0)
 Create an EGS_Object from the information pointed to by inp that belongs to object factory f. More...
const string & getObjectName () const
 Get the object name.
void setObjectName (const string &Name)
 Set the object name to Name.
const string & getObjectType () const
 Get the object type.
virtual EGS_ObjectcreateObject (EGS_Input *inp)
 Create an object from the infromation pointed to by inp. More...
void setName (EGS_Input *inp)
 Set the name of the object from the information provided by inp. More...
int ref ()
 Increase the reference count to this object.
int deref ()
 Decrease the reference count to this object.
void setFactory (EGS_ObjectFactory *f)
 Set the factory to which the object belongs. More...

Protected Member Functions

void setUp ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from EGS_BaseSimpleSource
virtual void setLatch (int &latch)

Protected Attributes

 The shape from which particles are emitted.
int * regions
int * media
EGS_Float min_theta
EGS_Float max_theta
EGS_Float buf_1
EGS_Float buf_2
EGS_Float min_phi
 avoid multi-calculating cos(min_theta) and cos(max_theta)
EGS_Float max_phi
int nrs
int nms
GeometryConfinement gc
GeometryConfinement gcm
- Protected Attributes inherited from EGS_BaseSimpleSource
int q
 The charge of this simple source.
 The energy spectrum of this source.
string type
 A short description of the source type.
EGS_I64 count
 Number of statistically independent particles delivered so far.
- Protected Attributes inherited from EGS_BaseSource
string description
 A short source description. More...
EGS_Float time_index
 time index corresponding to a particle. This stores the current time index for all objects in the simulation (with the potential exception of beam and iaea_phsp source)
- Protected Attributes inherited from EGS_Object
string name
 The object name.
string otype
 The object type.
int nref
 Number of references to the object.
 The factory this object belongs to.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_BaseSource
static EGS_BaseSourcecreateSource (EGS_Input *)
 Create sources from the information pointed to by input. More...
static EGS_BaseSourcegetSource (const string &Name)
 Get a pointer to the source named Name. More...
static void addKnownSource (EGS_BaseSource *o)
 Add a known source object to the source factory. More...
static void addKnownTypeId (const char *name)
 Add a known source object typeid to the source factory. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EGS_Object
static string getUniqueName (const EGS_Object *o=0)
 Create and return a unique object name. More...
static void deleteObject (EGS_Object *o)
 Delete an object. More...

Detailed Description

An isotropic source.

An isotropic source is a source that delivers particles of a given charge with directions uniformly distributed in $4 \pi$ emitted from any shape with any spectrum. It is defined most simply using the following input:

:start source:
    library = egs_isotropic_source
    name = some_name
    :start shape:
        definition of the shape
    :stop shape:
    :start spectrum:
        definition of the spectrum
    :stop spectrum:
    charge = -1 or 0 or 1 for electrons or photons or positrons
    min theta = 80  [degree] (optional)
    max theta = 100 [degree] (optional)
    min phi   = 80  [degree] (optional)
    max phi   = 100 [degree] (optional)
    geometry = some_name          # Optional, only particles inside the geometry
                                  # or inside some of its regions are generated.
    region selection = IncludeAll # Optional, only for a valid geometry defined as above.
                                  # Also possible: ExcludeAll, IncludeSelected, ExcludeSelected.
                                  # Defaults to IncludeAll.
    selected regions = ir1,...    # If IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected above, then user must
                                  # enter the desired regions to be excluded or included. If
                                  # no region provided, region selection switches to:
                                  #        IncludeAll if IncludeSelected
                                  #        ExcludeAll if ExcludeSelected

    medium selection = IncludeSelected # Optional, only for a valid geometry defined as above. Valid options are IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected
    selected media = med1 med2    # If IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected is set for medium selection
                                  # enter a list of medium names

:stop source:

It is also possible to generate source particles from a more complex shape by including or excluding geometry regions. This is done by providing the geometry name to operate on, a region selection mode, and selected regions for the region selection operation. The selected regions tag is necessary and used only for IncludeSelected and ExcludeSelected modes.

The available region selection modes are described below. A particle is generated within the defined shape uniformly, and kept only if it meets the corresponding condition:

AND meets the corresponding condition, for filtering by medium selection:

:start source:
    library = egs_isotropic_source
    name = some_name
    geometry = a geometry to modify particle generation (optional)
    region selection = IncludeAll or ExcludeAll or IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected (optional)
    selected regions = regions to use (only for IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected)
    medium selection = IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected (optional)
    selected media = media to use (only for IncludeSelected or ExcludeSelected)
    :start shape:
        definition of the shape to generate particles within
    :stop shape:
    :start spectrum:
        definition of the spectrum
    :stop spectrum:
    charge = -1 or 0 or 1 for electrons or photons or positrons
    min theta = 80  [degree] (optional)
    max theta = 100 [degree] (optional)
    min phi = 80  [degree] (optional)
    max phi = 100 [degree] (optional)
:stop source:

It is worth noting that the functionality of source 3 in the RZ series of user codes or source 6 in DOSXYZnrc can be reproduced with the isotropic source from the EGSnrc C++ class library.

Here is an example of two spheres in a box emitting isotropic photons. Only the geometry and source blocks are provided:

:start geometry definition:
    :start geometry:
        name        = my_box
        library     = egs_box
        box size    = 1 2 3
        :start media input:
            media = H2O521ICRU
        :stop media input:
    :stop geometry:
    :start geometry:
        name        = sphere1
        library     = egs_spheres
        midpoint = 0 0 1
        radii = 0.3
        :start media input:
            media = AIR521ICRU
        :stop media input:
    :stop geometry:
    :start geometry:
        name        = sphere2
        library     = egs_spheres
        midpoint = 0 0 -1
        radii = 0.3
        :start media input:
            media = AIR521ICRU
        :stop media input:
    :stop geometry:
    :start geometry:
        name        = my_envelope
        library     = egs_genvelope
        base geometry = my_box
        inscribed geometries = sphere1 sphere2
    :stop geometry:

    simulation geometry = my_envelope

:stop geometry definition:
:start source definition:
    :start source:
        name                = my_source
        library             = egs_isotropic_source
        charge              = 0
        geometry            = my_envelope
        region selection    = IncludeSelected
        selected regions    = 1 2
        :start shape:
            type     = box
            box size    = 1 2 3
            :start media input:
                media = H2O521ICRU
            :stop media input:
        :stop shape:
        :start spectrum:
            type = monoenergetic
            energy = 1
        :stop spectrum:
    :stop source:

    simulation source = my_source

:stop source definition:
An example of two spheres emitting isotropic photons

Definition at line 238 of file egs_isotropic_source.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EGS_IsotropicSource() [1/2]

EGS_IsotropicSource::EGS_IsotropicSource ( int  Q,
EGS_BaseSpectrum Spec,
EGS_BaseShape Shape,
EGS_BaseGeometry geometry,
const string &  Name = "",
EGS_ObjectFactory f = 0 


Construct an isotropic source with charge Q, spectrum Spec and emitting particles from the shape Shape

Definition at line 256 of file egs_isotropic_source.h.

◆ EGS_IsotropicSource() [2/2]

EGS_IsotropicSource::EGS_IsotropicSource ( EGS_Input input,
EGS_ObjectFactory f = 0 


Construct an isotropic source from the information pointed to by inp.

Definition at line 46 of file egs_isotropic_source.cpp.

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