EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Surface Shapes

Surface shapes are shapes that support the getPointSourceDirection() method. More...


class  EGS_SurfaceShape
 A surface shape. More...
class  EGS_BoxShape
 A box shape. More...
class  EGS_SphereShape
 A sphere shape. More...
class  EGS_CylinderShape
 A cylinder shape. More...
class  EGS_CircleShape
 A circle shape. More...
class  EGS_CirclePerpendicularShape
 A circle shape perpendicular to source particles. More...
class  EGS_EllipseShape
 An elliptical shape. More...
class  EGS_TriangleShape
 A triangular shape. More...
class  EGS_PolygonShape
 A polygon shape. More...
class  EGS_RectangleShape
 A rectangular shape. More...
class  EGS_RectangularRing
 A "rectangular ring". More...
class  EGS_VoxelizedShape
 A "voxelized shape". More...

Detailed Description

Surface shapes are shapes that support the getPointSourceDirection() method.

The base class for surface shapes EGS_SurfaceShape provides a generic implementation of the getPointSourceDirection() method as long as shapes derived from it define their area.