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The contains operator lets you filter a grammar so that only forms where the field contains a particular string/regex are generated.

Like equals/starts/ends, rename and hide, contains applies to the content immediately to its left, but can be chained.

Usage examples

For example, we could filter A only to entries where the text contains "p", "t", or "k":

B = embedcontains text

Like equals, content below contains is interpreted as a regex.

For a negative example, the following filters A only to those entries where the text doesn't contain "p", "t", or "k".

B = embedcontains text


The contains operator is a convenience version of the equals operator, that converts the regex given into a more complex one. For example, in the first example above, it is converted to .*(p|t|k).*. In the second example, it is converted to ~(.*(p|t|k).*).

The contains operator has the same complications and cautions about negation scope as the starts operator, which you can read about here.