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The equals operator lets you filter a grammar so that only forms where the field matches a particular regex are generated.

Like starts/ends/contains, rename and hide, equals applies to the content immediately to its left, but can be chained.

Usage examples

Say, for example, that the A symbol defines the fields text, gloss and class, and class can be either X, C1, or C2. The following code creates a symbol B that only contains entries where the class equals C1.

B = embedequals class

Below an equals operator, content is interpreted as a regex. For example, we could filter A only to entries where the text starts with "p", "t", or "k":

B = embedequals text

(There is also a special convenience operator for this, starts, that auto-generates a regex and would suffice for this particular use-case. However, if you have a more complex regex you wish to filter on, we recommend using equals and being explicit about which regex you want to match.)