EGSnrc C++ class library  Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 ###############################################################################
3 #
4 # EGSnrc egs++ nd geometry
5 # Copyright (C) 2015 National Research Council Canada
6 #
7 # This file is part of EGSnrc.
8 #
9 # EGSnrc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10 # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the
11 # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
12 # option) any later version.
13 #
14 # EGSnrc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
16 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for
17 # more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20 # along with EGSnrc. If not, see <>.
21 #
22 ###############################################################################
23 #
24 # Author: Iwan Kawrakow, 2005
25 #
26 # Contributors: Frederic Tessier
27 # Reid Townson
28 # Ernesto Mainegra-Hing
29 # Hubert Ho
30 # Randle Taylor
31 #
32 ###############################################################################
33 */
41 #include "egs_nd_geometry.h"
42 #include "egs_input.h"
43 #include "egs_functions.h"
44 #include "egs_transformations.h"
46 #ifdef HAS_GZSTREAM
47  #include "gzstream.h"
48 #endif
50 #include <vector>
51 #include <fstream>
53 using namespace std;
56  const string &Name, bool O) : EGS_BaseGeometry(Name), N(ng), ortho(O) {
57  nreg = 1;
58  setup();
59  for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
60  g[j] = G[j];
61  n[j] = nreg;
62  nreg *= g[j]->regions();
63  if (!g[j]->isConvex()) {
64  is_convex = false;
65  }
66  }
67  n[N] = nreg;
68 }
70 EGS_NDGeometry::EGS_NDGeometry(vector<EGS_BaseGeometry *> &G,
71  const string &Name, bool O) : EGS_BaseGeometry(Name), N(G.size()), ortho(O) {
72  nreg = 1;
73  setup();
74  for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
75  g[j] = G[j];
76  n[j] = nreg;
77  nreg *= g[j]->regions();
78  if (!g[j]->isConvex()) {
79  is_convex = false;
80  }
81  }
82  n[N] = nreg;
83 }
85 EGS_NDGeometry::~EGS_NDGeometry() {
86  for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
87  int ref = g[j]->deref();
88  if (!ref) {
89  delete g[j];
90  }
91  }
92  delete [] n;
93  delete [] g;
94 }
96 void EGS_NDGeometry::setup() {
97  n = new int [N+1];
98  g = new EGS_BaseGeometry* [N];
99 }
101 void EGS_NDGeometry::printInfo() const {
103  egsInformation(" number of dimensions = %d\n",N);
104  for (int j=0; j<N; j++)
105  egsInformation(" dimension %d = %s (type %s)\n",
106  j+1,g[j]->getName().c_str(),g[j]->getType().c_str());
108  "=======================================================\n");
109 }
111 void EGS_NDGeometry::setMedia(EGS_Input *input, int nmed, const int *mind) {
112  EGS_Input *i;
113  med = mind[0];
114  while ((i = input->takeInputItem("set medium"))) {
115  vector<int> inp;
116  int err = i->getInput("set medium",inp);
117  delete i;
118  if (!err) {
119  if (inp.size() == 2) {
120  setMedium(inp[0],inp[0],mind[inp[1]]);
121  }
122  else if (inp.size() == 3) {
123  setMedium(inp[0],inp[1],mind[inp[2]]);
124  }
125  else if (inp.size() == 4) setMedium(inp[0],inp[1],mind[inp[2]],
126  inp[3]);
127  else if (inp.size() == 2*N+1) {
128  setM(0,0,inp,mind[inp[2*N]]);
129  }
130  else egsWarning("EGS_NDGeometry::setMedia(): found %dinputs\n"
131  "in a 'set medium' input. 2, 3, 4, or %d are allowed\n",2*N+1);
132  }
133  else egsWarning("EGS_NDGeometry::setMedia(): wrong 'set medium'"
134  " input\n");
135  }
136 }
138 void EGS_NDGeometry::setM(int ibase, int idim,
139  const vector<int> &ranges, int medium) {
140  int istart = ranges[2*idim], iend = ranges[2*idim+1];
141  if (istart < 0) {
142  istart = 0;
143  }
144  int ndim = n[idim+1] / n[idim];
145  if (iend > ndim) {
146  iend = ndim;
147  }
148  if (idim < N-1) for (int j=istart; j<=iend; j++) {
149  setM(ibase+j*n[idim],idim+1,ranges,medium);
150  }
151  else for (int j=istart; j<=iend; j++) {
152  setMedium(ibase+j*n[idim],ibase+j*n[idim],medium);
153  }
154 }
156 #ifdef EXPLICIT_XYZ
158 string EGS_XYZGeometry::type = "EGS_XYZGeometry";
160 EGS_XYZGeometry::EGS_XYZGeometry(EGS_PlanesX *Xp, EGS_PlanesY *Yp,
161  EGS_PlanesZ *Zp, const string &Name) : EGS_BaseGeometry(Name),
162  xp(Xp), yp(Yp), zp(Zp) {
163  nx = xp->regions();
164  ny = yp->regions();
165  nz = zp->regions();
166  nxy = nx*ny;
167  nreg = nxy*nz;
168  xp->ref();
169  yp->ref();
170  zp->ref();
171  xpos = xp->getPositions();
172  ypos = yp->getPositions();
173  zpos = zp->getPositions();
174 }
176 EGS_XYZGeometry::~EGS_XYZGeometry() {
177  if (!xp->deref()) {
178  delete xp;
179  }
180  if (!yp->deref()) {
181  delete yp;
182  }
183  if (!zp->deref()) {
184  delete zp;
185  }
186 }
188 void EGS_XYZGeometry::printInfo() const {
190  xp->printInfo();
191  yp->printInfo();
192  zp->printInfo();
194  "=======================================================\n");
195 }
197 void EGS_XYZGeometry::setMedia(EGS_Input *input, int nmed, const int *mind) {
198  EGS_Input *i;
199  med = mind[0];
200  while ((i = input->takeInputItem("set medium"))) {
201  vector<int> inp;
202  int err = i->getInput("set medium",inp);
203  delete i;
204  if (!err) {
205  if (inp.size() == 2) {
206  setMedium(inp[0],inp[0],mind[inp[1]]);
207  }
208  else if (inp.size() == 3) {
209  setMedium(inp[0],inp[1],mind[inp[2]]);
210  }
211  else if (inp.size() == 4) setMedium(inp[0],inp[1],mind[inp[2]],
212  inp[3]);
213  else if (inp.size() == 7) {
214  int is = inp[0], ie = inp[1];
215  if (is < 0) {
216  is = 0;
217  }
218  if (ie > nx-1) {
219  ie = nx-1;
220  }
221  int js = inp[2], je = inp[3];
222  if (js < 0) {
223  js = 0;
224  }
225  if (je > nxy/nx-1) {
226  je = nxy/nx-1;
227  }
228  int ks = inp[4], ke = inp[5];
229  if (ks < 0) {
230  ks = 0;
231  }
232  if (ke > nreg/nxy-1) {
233  ke = nreg/nxy-1;
234  }
235  //egsInformation("setting medium to %d between %d %d %d %d "
236  // "%d %d\n",mind[inp[6]],is,ie,js,je,ks,ke);
237  for (int i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
238  for (int j=js; j<=je; j++) {
239  for (int k=ks; k<=ke; k++) {
240  int ireg = i + j*nx + k*nxy;
241  //egsWarning("set: %d %d %d %d %d\n",
242  // i,j,k,ireg,mind[inp[6]]);
243  setMedium(ireg,ireg,mind[inp[6]]);
244  }
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  else if (inp.size() == 10) {
249  int is = inp[0], ie = inp[1], idelta = inp[2];
250  if (is < 0) {
251  is = 0;
252  }
253  if (ie > nx-1) {
254  ie = nx-1;
255  }
256  if (idelta <= 0) {
257  idelta = 1;
258  }
259  int js = inp[3], je = inp[4], jdelta = inp[5];
260  if (js < 0) {
261  js = 0;
262  }
263  if (je > nxy/nx-1) {
264  je = nxy/nx-1;
265  }
266  if (jdelta <= 0) {
267  jdelta = 1;
268  }
269  int ks = inp[6], ke = inp[7], kdelta = inp[8];
270  if (ks < 0) {
271  ks = 0;
272  }
273  if (ke > nreg/nxy-1) {
274  ke = nreg/nxy-1;
275  }
276  if (kdelta <= 0) {
277  kdelta = 1;
278  }
279  //egsInformation("setting medium to %d between %d %d %d %d "
280  // "%d %d\n",mind[inp[6]],is,ie,js,je,ks,ke);
281  for (int i=is; i<=ie; i+=idelta) {
282  for (int j=js; j<=je; j+=jdelta) {
283  for (int k=ks; k<=ke; k+=kdelta) {
284  int ireg = i + j*nx + k*nxy;
285  //egsWarning("set: %d %d %d %d %d\n",
286  // i,j,k,ireg,mind[inp[6]]);
287  setMedium(ireg,ireg,mind[inp[9]]);
288  }
289  }
290  }
291  }
292  else egsWarning("EGS_XYZGeometry::setMedia(): found %dinputs\n"
293  "in a 'set medium' input. 2, 3, 4, 7, or 10 are allowed\n");
294  }
295  else egsWarning("EGS_XYZGeometry::setMedia(): wrong 'set medium'"
296  " input\n");
297  }
298 }
300 EGS_XYZGeometry *EGS_XYZGeometry::constructGeometry(const char *dens_file,
301  const char *ramp_file, int dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile) {
302  const static char *func = "EGS_XYZGeometry::constructGeometry";
303  if (!dens_file || !ramp_file) {
304  return 0;
305  }
306  ifstream ramp(ramp_file);
307  if (!ramp) {
308  egsWarning("%s: failed to open CT ramp file %s\n",func,ramp_file);
309  return 0;
310  }
311  vector<string> med_names;
312  vector<EGS_Float> rho_min,rho_max,rho_def;
314  if (dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile == 2) {
315  // interfile format of data
316  int meds;
317  ramp >> meds;
318  for (int i=0; i < meds; i++) {
319  string medname;
320  EGS_Float rmin,rmax,rdef;
321  ramp >> rmin >> rmax >> medname;
322  rdef=(rmin+rmax) / 2.0; // is this correct definition of rdef ??
323  if (ramp.eof() || || !ramp.good()) {
324  break;
325  }
326  egsInformation("Using medium %s for rho=%g...%g\n",medname.c_str(),
327  rmin,rmax);
328  med_names.push_back(medname);
329  rho_min.push_back(rmin);
330  rho_max.push_back(rmax+1);
331  rho_def.push_back(rdef);
332  }
333  }
334  else {
335  for (EGS_I64 loopCount=0; loopCount<=loopMax; ++loopCount) {
336  if (loopCount == loopMax) {
337  egsFatal("EGS_XYZGeometry::constructGeometry: Too many iterations were required! Input may be invalid, or consider increasing loopMax.");
338  return 0;
339  }
340  // other format of data
341  string medname;
342  EGS_Float rmin,rmax,rdef;
343  ramp >> medname >> rmin >> rmax >> rdef;
344  if (ramp.eof() || || !ramp.good()) {
345  break;
346  }
347  egsInformation("Using medium %s for rho=%g...%g\n",medname.c_str(),
348  rmin,rmax);
349  med_names.push_back(medname);
350  rho_min.push_back(rmin);
351  rho_max.push_back(rmax);
352  rho_def.push_back(rdef);
353  }
354  }
355  if (med_names.size() < 1) {
356  egsWarning("%s: no media defined in the CT ramp "
357  "file %s!\n",func,ramp_file);
358  return 0;
359  }
360  int Nx, Ny, Nz;
361  EGS_Float *xx, *yy, *zz;
362  float *rho;
363  if (dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile == 0) {
364  int my_endian = egsGetEndian();
365  if (my_endian < 0) egsFatal("%s: machine has an unknown"
366  " endianess!\n",func);
367  ifstream dens(dens_file,ios::binary);
368  if (!dens) {
369  egsWarning("%s: failed to open density matrix file "
370  "%s\n",func,dens_file);
371  return 0;
372  }
373  char their_endian;
375  if (their_endian != 0 && their_endian != 1)
376  egsFatal("%s: density data created on a machine with"
377  " unknown endianess!\n",func);
378  bool swap = my_endian != their_endian;
379 *) &Nx,sizeof(int));
380  if (swap) {
381  egsSwapBytes(&Nx);
382  }
383 *) &Ny,sizeof(int));
384  if (swap) {
385  egsSwapBytes(&Ny);
386  }
387 *) &Nz,sizeof(int));
388  if (swap) {
389  egsSwapBytes(&Nz);
390  }
391  if (Nx < 1 || Ny < 1 || Nz < 1) {
392  egsWarning("%s: invalid density matrix file: "
393  " Nx=%d Ny=%d Nz=%d\n",func,Nx,Ny,Nz);
394  return 0;
395  }
396  float *x = new float [Nx+1];
397  float *y = new float [Ny+1];
398  float *z = new float [Nz+1];
399 *)x, (Nx+1)*sizeof(float));
400  if (dens.eof() || || !dens.good()) {
401  egsWarning("%s: error while reading %d x-planes from"
402  " file %s\n",func,Nx+1,dens_file);
403  delete [] x;
404  delete [] y;
405  delete [] z;
406  return 0;
407  }
408 *)y, (Ny+1)*sizeof(float));
409  if (dens.eof() || || !dens.good()) {
410  egsWarning("%s: error while reading %d y-planes from"
411  " file %s\n",func,Ny+1,dens_file);
412  delete [] x;
413  delete [] y;
414  delete [] z;
415  return 0;
416  }
417 *)z, (Nz+1)*sizeof(float));
418  if (dens.eof() || || !dens.good()) {
419  egsWarning("%s: error while reading %d z-planes from"
420  " file %s\n",func,Nz+1,dens_file);
421  delete [] x;
422  delete [] y;
423  delete [] z;
424  return 0;
425  }
426  if (swap) {
427  int j;
428  for (j=0; j<Nx; j++) {
429  egsSwapBytes(&x[j]);
430  }
431  for (j=0; j<Ny; j++) {
432  egsSwapBytes(&y[j]);
433  }
434  for (j=0; j<Nz; j++) {
435  egsSwapBytes(&z[j]);
436  }
437  }
438  {
439  int j;
440  xx = new EGS_Float [Nx+1];
441  for (j=0; j<=Nx; j++) {
442  xx[j] = x[j];
443  }
444  yy = new EGS_Float [Ny+1];
445  for (j=0; j<=Ny; j++) {
446  yy[j] = y[j];
447  }
448  zz = new EGS_Float [Nz+1];
449  for (j=0; j<=Nz; j++) {
450  zz[j] = z[j];
451  }
452  delete [] x;
453  delete [] y;
454  delete [] z;
455  }
456  rho = new float [Nx*Ny*Nz];
457 *)rho, Nx*Ny*Nz*sizeof(float));
458  if ( {
459  egsWarning("%s: failed reading mass densities from density matrux file\n",func);
460  delete [] rho;
461  delete [] xx;
462  delete [] yy;
463  delete [] zz;
464  return 0;
465  }
466  if (swap) {
467  for (int j=0; j<Nx*Ny*Nz; j++) {
468  egsSwapBytes(&rho[j]);
469  }
470  }
471  }
472  else if (dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile == 2) {
473  ifstream h_file(dens_file);
474  if (!h_file) {
475  egsWarning("%s: failed to open the interfile header %s\n",func,dens_file);
476  return 0;
477  }
478  string data_file("");
479  int data_type = -1;
480  float scale_x=0.0, scale_y=0.0, scale_z=0.0;
481  for (EGS_I64 loopCount=0; loopCount<=loopMax; ++loopCount) {
482  if (loopCount == loopMax) {
483  egsFatal("EGS_XYZGeometry::constructGeometry: Too many iterations were required! Input may be invalid, or consider increasing loopMax.");
484  return 0;
485  }
486  string line, key, value;
487  size_t pos;
488  getline(h_file, line);
489  if (h_file.eof() || || !h_file.good()) {
490  break;
491  }
493  pos = line.find(":=");
494  if (pos == string::npos) {
495  continue;
496  }
497  key = line.substr(0, int(pos));
498  value = line.substr(int(pos)+2);
499  while ((key[0] == '!') || (key[0] == ' ')) {
500  key.erase(0,1);
501  }
502  while (key[key.length()-1] == ' ') {
503  key.erase(key.length()-1, 1);
504  }
505  while (value[0] == ' ') {
506  value.erase(0,1);
507  }
508  while (value[value.length()-1] == ' ') {
509  value.erase(value.length()-1, 1);
510  }
512  if (key == "matrix size [1]") {
513  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%u", &Nx);
514  }
515  else if (key == "matrix size [2]") {
516  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%u", &Ny);
517  }
518  else if ((key == "number of slices") || (key == "number of images")) {
519  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%u", &Nz);
520  }
521  else if (key == "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1]") {
522  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%f", &scale_x);
523  }
524  else if (key == "scaling factor (mm/pixel) [2]") {
525  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%f", &scale_y);
526  }
527  else if (key == "slice thickness (pixels)") {
528  sscanf(value.c_str(), "%f", &scale_z); // ????????????????
529  }
530  else if (key == "name of data file") {
531  data_file = value;
532  }
533  else if (key == "number format") {
534  if ((value == "float") || (value == "FLOAT")) {
535  data_type = 0;
536  }
537  else if ((value == "unsigned integer") || (value == "UNSIGNED INTEGER")) {
538  data_type = 1;
539  }
540  else {
541  egsWarning("%s: unrecognised 'number format' type: %s \n",func,value.c_str());
542  }
543  }
544  }
545  if (Nx < 1 || Ny < 1 || Nz < 1 || scale_x <= 0.0 || scale_y <= 0.0 || scale_z <= 0.0 || data_file == "" || data_type == -1) {
546  egsWarning("%s: invalid interfile header information: "
547  "Nx=%d Ny=%d Nz=%d scale_x=%f scale_y=%f scale_z=%f "
548  "data_file='%s' number_format=%d\n",func,Nx,Ny,Nz,scale_x,scale_y,scale_z,data_file.c_str(),data_type);
549  return 0;
550  }
551  ifstream i_file(data_file.c_str(),ios::binary);
552  if (!i_file) {
553  egsWarning("%s: failed to open interfile data "
554  "%s\n",func,data_file.c_str());
555  return 0;
556  }
557  scale_x /= 10.0;
558  scale_y /= 10.0;
559  scale_z /= 10.0; // convert to cm
560  {
561  int j;
562  xx = new EGS_Float [Nx+1];
563  for (j=0; j<=Nx; j++) {
564  xx[j] = -(float)Nx*scale_x/2.0 + j*scale_x;
565  }
566  yy = new EGS_Float [Ny+1];
567  for (j=0; j<=Ny; j++) {
568  yy[j] = -(float)Ny*scale_y/2.0 + j*scale_y;
569  }
570  zz = new EGS_Float [Nz+1];
571  for (j=0; j<=Nz; j++) {
572  zz[j] = -(float)Nz*scale_z/2.0 + j*scale_z;
573  }
574  }
575  rho = new float [Nx*Ny*Nz];
576  if (data_type == 0) {
577 *)rho, Nx*Ny*Nz*sizeof(float));
578  }
579  else {
580  unsigned short int *rho_tmp = new unsigned short int [Nx*Ny*Nz];
581 *)rho_tmp, (Nx*Ny*Nz)*sizeof(unsigned short int));
582  for (int cc = 0; cc<Nx*Ny*Nz; cc++) {
583  rho[cc] = (float)(rho_tmp[cc]);
584  }
585  delete [] rho_tmp;
586  }
587  if ( {
588  egsWarning("%s: failed reading interfile data\n",func);
589  delete [] rho;
590  delete [] xx;
591  delete [] yy;
592  delete [] zz;
593  return 0;
594  }
595  }
596  else {
598  ifstream tempf(dens_file, ios::binary);
599  istream *data;
600  ifstream textf;
601 #ifdef HAS_GZSTREAM
602  igzstream binf;
603 #endif
605  if (!tempf) {
606  egsWarning("%s: failed to open .egsphant file %s\n",func,dens_file);
607  return 0;
608  }
610  bool is_gzip = (tempf.get() == 0x1f && tempf.get() == 0x8b);
611  tempf.close();
613  if (is_gzip) {
614 #ifdef HAS_GZSTREAM
616  data = &binf;
617 #else
618  egsWarning("Tried to read gzipped egsphant but egs_ndgeometry was not compiled with gzip support\n");
619  return 0;
620 #endif
621  }
622  else {
624  data = &textf;
625  }
628  int nmed;
629  (*data) >> nmed;
630  if ((*data).fail()) {
631  egsWarning("%s: failed reading number of media\n",func);
632  return 0;
633  }
634  char buf [1024];
635  int imed;
636  (*data).getline(buf,1023);
637  for (imed=0; imed<nmed; ++imed) {
638  (*data).getline(buf,1023);
639  if ((*data).fail()) {
640  egsWarning("%s: failed reading medium name for %d'th medium\n",func,imed+1);
641  }
642  //egsInformation("Got line <%s>\n",buf);
643  }
644  // ignore estepe
645  EGS_Float dum;
646  for (imed=0; imed<nmed; ++imed) {
647  (*data) >> dum;
648  }
649  (*data) >> Nx >> Ny >> Nz;
650  if ((*data).fail()) {
651  egsWarning("%s: failed reading number of voxels\n",func);
652  return 0;
653  }
654  xx = new EGS_Float [Nx+1];
655  yy = new EGS_Float [Ny+1];
656  zz = new EGS_Float [Nz+1];
657  int j;
658  for (j=0; j<=Nx; ++j) {
659  (*data) >> xx[j];
660  }
661  if ((*data).fail()) {
662  egsWarning("%s: failed reading x-planes\n",func);
663  delete [] xx;
664  delete [] yy;
665  delete [] zz;
666  return 0;
667  }
668  for (j=0; j<=Ny; ++j) {
669  (*data) >> yy[j];
670  }
671  if ((*data).fail()) {
672  egsWarning("%s: failed reading y-planes\n",func);
673  delete [] xx;
674  delete [] yy;
675  delete [] zz;
676  return 0;
677  }
678  for (j=0; j<=Nz; ++j) {
679  (*data) >> zz[j];
680  }
681  if ((*data).fail()) {
682  egsWarning("%s: failed reading z-planes\n",func);
683  delete [] xx;
684  delete [] yy;
685  delete [] zz;
686  return 0;
687  }
688  int nr = Nx*Ny*Nz;
689  //int med;
690  //for(j=0; j<nr; ++j) data >> med;
691  (*data).getline(buf,1023);
692  for (int iz=0; iz<Nz; ++iz) {
693  for (int iy=0; iy<Ny; ++iy) {
694  (*data).getline(buf,1023);
695  }
696  (*data).getline(buf,1023);
697  }
698  if ((*data).fail()) {
699  egsWarning("%s: failed reading media indeces matrix\n",func);
700  delete [] xx;
701  delete [] yy;
702  delete [] zz;
703  return 0;
704  }
705  rho = new float [nr];
706  for (j=0; j<nr; ++j) {
707  (*data) >> rho[j];
708  }
709  if ((*data).fail()) {
710  egsWarning("%s: failed reading mass density matrix\n",func);
711  delete [] xx;
712  delete [] yy;
713  delete [] zz;
714  delete [] rho;
715  return 0;
716  }
717  }
718  EGS_PlanesX *xp = new EGS_PlanesX(Nx+1,xx,"",EGS_XProjector("x-planes"));
719  EGS_PlanesY *yp = new EGS_PlanesY(Ny+1,yy,"",EGS_YProjector("y-planes"));
720  EGS_PlanesZ *zp = new EGS_PlanesZ(Nz+1,zz,"",EGS_ZProjector("z-planes"));
721  EGS_XYZGeometry *result = new EGS_XYZGeometry(xp,yp,zp);
722  EGS_Float rhomin=1e30,rhomax=0;
723  int j;
724  for (j=0; j<Nx*Ny*Nz; j++) {
725  if (rho[j] > rhomax) {
726  rhomax = rho[j];
727  }
728  if (rho[j] < rhomin) {
729  rhomin = rho[j];
730  }
731  }
732  egsInformation("Min. density found: %g\n",rhomin);
733  egsInformation("Max. density found: %g\n",rhomax);
734  int nmed = med_names.size();
735  int *imed = new int [nmed];
736  for (j=0; j<nmed; j++) {
737  imed[j] = -2;
738  }
739  for (j=0; j<Nx*Ny*Nz; j++) {
740  int i;
741  for (i=0; i<nmed; i++) {
742  if (rho[j] >= rho_min[i] && rho[j] < rho_max[i]) {
743  break;
744  }
745  }
746  if (i >= nmed) {
747  egsWarning("%s: no material defined for density %g, leaving voxel %d"
748  " as vacuum\n",func,rho[j],j);
749  result->setMedium(j,j,-1);
750  }
751  else {
752  if (imed[i] < -1) {
753  imed[i] = addMedium(med_names[i]);
754  egsInformation("Using medium %s as mednum %d\n",
755  med_names[i].c_str(),imed[i]);
756  }
757  result->setMedium(j,j,imed[i]);
758  if (rho_def[i] > 0) {
759  EGS_Float rrho = rho[j]/rho_def[i];
760  if (fabs(rrho-1) > epsilon) {
761  result->setRelativeRho(j,j,rrho);
762  }
763  }
764  }
765  }
766  delete [] rho;
767  delete [] imed;
768  return result;
769 }
771 string EGS_DeformedXYZ::def_type = "EGS_DeformedXYZ";
773 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::tetrahedra[] = {0,2,3,6, 0,6,3,7, 0,4,6,7,
774  7,0,1,3, 7,1,0,4, 7,5,1,4
775  };
777 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::plane_order[] = {0,1,2, 0,2,3, 0,3,1, 1,3,2};
779 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::enter_tetra1[] = {0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 2};
780 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::enter_plane1[] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 3};
781 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::enter_tetra2[] = {2, 5, 5, 1, 3, 5};
782 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::enter_plane2[] = {0, 0, 2, 3, 2, 2};
785 char EGS_DeformedXYZ::tetra_data[] = {
786  2,-1, 2, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 0
787  -1, 0, 1, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 0
788  0,-1, 3, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 0
789  1, 1, 4, // plane 3 in tetrahedron 0
790 //------------------------------------------------------------------
791  -1, 0, 0, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 1
792  -1, 0, 3, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 1
793  -1, 0, 2, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 1
794  1, 1, 5, // plane 3 in tetrahedron 1
795 //------------------------------------------------------------------
796  0,-1, 5, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 2
797  -1, 0, 1, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 2
798  -1, 0, 4, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 2
799  2, 1, 0, // plane 3 in tetrahedron 2
800 //------------------------------------------------------------------
801  -1, 0, 4, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 3
802  0, 1, 0, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 3
803  -1, 0, 1, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 3
804  2,-1, 5, // plane 3 in tetrahedron 3
805 //------------------------------------------------------------------
806  -1, 0, 3, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 4
807  -1, 0, 2, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 4
808  -1, 0, 5, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 4
809  1,-1, 0, // plane 3 in tetrahedron 4
810 //------------------------------------------------------------------
811  0, 1, 2, // plane 0 in tetrahedron 5
812  -1, 0, 4, // plane 1 in tetrahedron 5
813  2, 1, 3, // plane 2 in tetrahedron 5
814  1,-1, 1 // plane 3 in tetrahedron 5
815 };
818 EGS_DeformedXYZ::EGS_DeformedXYZ(EGS_PlanesX *Xp, EGS_PlanesY *Yp,
819  EGS_PlanesZ *Zp, const char *defFile, const string &Name) :
820  EGS_XYZGeometry(Xp,Yp,Zp,Name), vectors(0) {
821  setDeformations(defFile);
822  np[0] = nx;
823  np[1] = ny;
824  np[2] = nz;
825  nxyp1 = nx + ny + 1;
826 }
828 int EGS_DeformedXYZ::setDeformations(const char *defFile) {
829  ifstream data(defFile,ios::binary);
830  if (!data) {
831  egsWarning("Failed to open deformations file %s\n",defFile);
832  return 1;
833  }
834  int nvec;
835 *)&nvec,sizeof(int));
836  int nneed = (nx+1)*(ny+1)*(nz+1);
837  if (nvec != nneed) {
838  egsWarning("Inconsistent deformations file: %d instead of %d vectors\n",
839  nvec,nneed);
840  return 2;
841  }
842  if (!vectors) {
843  vectors = new EGS_Vector [nvec];
844  }
845  float tmp[3];
846  int i,j,k;
847  for (j=0; j<nvec; ++j) {
848 *)tmp,3*sizeof(float));
849  if ( {
850  egsWarning("Error while readinf vector %d from file\n",j+1);
851  return 3;
852  }
853  vectors[j] = EGS_Vector(tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2]);
854  }
856  // add plane positions to vectors
857  for (k=0; k<=nz; ++k) for (j=0; j<=ny; ++j) for (i=0; i<=nx; ++i) {
858  int index = i + j*(nx+1) + k*(nx+1)*(ny+1);
859  vectors[index] += EGS_Vector(xpos[i],ypos[j],zpos[k]);
860  }
862  for (j=0; j<24; ++j) {
863  int i = tetrahedra[j];
864  switch (i) {
865  case 0:
866  tnodes[j] = 0;
867  break;
868  case 1:
869  tnodes[j] = 1;
870  break;
871  case 2:
872  tnodes[j] = nx+1;
873  break;
874  case 3:
875  tnodes[j] = nx+2;
876  break;
877  case 4:
878  tnodes[j] = (nx+1)*(ny+1);
879  break;
880  case 5:
881  tnodes[j] = (nx+1)*(ny+1)+1;
882  break;
883  case 6:
884  tnodes[j] = (nx+1)*(ny+1)+nx+1;
885  break;
886  case 7:
887  tnodes[j] = (nx+1)*(ny+1)+nx+2;
888  break;
889  }
890  }
892  nreg = 6*nx*ny*nz;
894  return 0;
895 }
897 EGS_DeformedXYZ::~EGS_DeformedXYZ() {
898  if (vectors) {
899  delete [] vectors;
900  }
901 }
903 string EGS_XYZRepeater::type = "EGS_XYZRepeater";
905 EGS_XYZRepeater::EGS_XYZRepeater(EGS_Float xmin, EGS_Float xmax,
906  EGS_Float ymin, EGS_Float ymax,
907  EGS_Float zmin, EGS_Float zmax,
908  int Nx, int Ny, int Nz,
909  EGS_BaseGeometry *G,
910  const string &Name) :
911  EGS_BaseGeometry(Name), g(G), nx(Nx), ny(Ny), nz(Nz) {
912  dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx;
913  dxi = 1/dx;
914  ax = -xmin*dxi;
915  dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny;
916  dyi = 1/dy;
917  ay = -ymin*dyi;
918  dz = (zmax - zmin)/nz;
919  dzi = 1/dz;
920  az = -zmin*dzi;
921  EGS_PlanesX *xp;
922  EGS_PlanesY *yp;
923  EGS_PlanesZ *zp;
924  xp = new EGS_PlanesX(xmin,dx,nx,"",EGS_XProjector("x-planes"));
925  yp = new EGS_PlanesY(ymin,dy,ny,"",EGS_YProjector("y-planes"));
926  zp = new EGS_PlanesZ(zmin,dz,nz,"",EGS_ZProjector("z-planes"));
927  xyz = new EGS_XYZGeometry(xp,yp,zp);
928  xyz->ref();
929  g->ref();
930  nxy = nx*ny;
931  nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
932  ng = g->regions();
933  nreg = nxyz*ng + 1;
934  translation = new EGS_Vector [nxyz];
935  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++)
936  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++)
937  for (int iz=0; iz<nz; iz++)
938  translation[ix+iy*nx+iz*nxy] = EGS_Vector(xmin + dx*(0.5+ix),
939  ymin + dy*(0.5+iy),
940  zmin + dz*(0.5+iz));
942 }
944 EGS_XYZRepeater::~EGS_XYZRepeater() {
945  if (!g->deref()) {
946  delete g;
947  }
948  if (!xyz->deref()) {
949  delete xyz;
950  }
951  delete [] translation;
952 }
954 void EGS_XYZRepeater::printInfo() const {
956  egsInformation("%d repetitions between xmin=%g and xmax=%g\n",
957  nx,xyz->getXPositions()[0],xyz->getXPositions()[nx]);
958  egsInformation("%d repetitions between ymin=%g and ymax=%g\n",
959  ny,xyz->getYPositions()[0],xyz->getYPositions()[ny]);
960  egsInformation("%d repetitions between zmin=%g and zmax=%g\n",
961  nz,xyz->getZPositions()[0],xyz->getZPositions()[nz]);
962  const char *med_name = getMediumName(med);
963  if (med_name) {
964  egsInformation("box is filled with %s\n",med_name);
965  }
966  else {
967  egsInformation("box is filled with vacuum\n");
968  }
969  egsInformation("Repeated geometry:\n");
970  g->printInfo();
971 }
973 void EGS_XYZGeometry::voxelizeGeometry(EGS_Input *input) {
974  string gname;
975  int err = input->getInput("voxelize geometry",gname);
976  if (err) {
977  return;
978  }
979  egsInformation("\nEGS_XYZGeometry(%s)\n",name.c_str());
980  egsInformation(" setting media from geometry %s\n",gname.c_str());
982  if (!geometry) {
983  egsInformation(" this geometry does not exist -> media will be not set.\n");
984  return;
985  }
987  if (region_media) {
988  delete [] region_media;
989  }
990  if (rhor) {
991  delete [] rhor;
992  rhor = 0;
993  }
994  if (bfactor) {
995  delete [] bfactor;
996  bfactor = 0;
997  }
998  region_media = new short [nreg];
1000  bool hrs = geometry->hasRhoScaling();
1001  if (hrs) {
1002  has_rho_scaling = true;
1003  rhor = new EGS_Float [nreg];
1004  }
1005  else {
1006  has_rho_scaling = false;
1007  }
1009  bool hbs = geometry->hasBScaling();
1010  if (hbs) {
1011  has_B_scaling = true;
1012  bfactor = new EGS_Float [nreg];
1013  }
1014  else {
1015  has_B_scaling = false;
1016  }
1018  EGS_Vector v1(xp->position(0),yp->position(0),zp->position(0));
1019  EGS_Vector v2(xp->position(nx),yp->position(ny),zp->position(nz));
1020  egsInformation(" top/left/front corner : (%g,%g,%g)\n",v1.x,v1.y,v1.z);
1021  egsInformation(" bottom/right/back corner: (%g,%g,%g)\n",v2.x,v2.y,v2.z);
1022  if (T) {
1023  egsInformation(" the above are transformed as follows before looking up media:\n");
1024  T->transform(v1);
1025  T->transform(v2);
1026  egsInformation(" top/left/front corner : (%g,%g,%g)\n",v1.x,v1.y,v1.z);
1027  egsInformation(" bottom/right/back corner: (%g,%g,%g)\n",v2.x,v2.y,v2.z);
1028  }
1029  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix) for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) for (int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz) {
1030  int ir = ix + iy*nx + iz*nxy;
1031  EGS_Vector v(0.5*(xp->position(ix)+xp->position(ix+1)),
1032  0.5*(yp->position(iy)+yp->position(iy+1)),
1033  0.5*(zp->position(iz)+zp->position(iz+1)));
1034  if (T) {
1035  T->transform(v);
1036  }
1037  int ireg = geometry->isWhere(v);
1038  if (ireg >= 0) {
1039  region_media[ir] = geometry->medium(ireg);
1040  if (hrs) {
1041  rhor[ir] = geometry->getRelativeRho(ir);
1042  }
1043  if (hbs) {
1044  bfactor[ir] = geometry->getBScaling(ir);
1045  }
1046  }
1047  else {
1048  region_media[ir] = -1;
1049  if (hrs) {
1050  rhor[ir] = 1;
1051  }
1052  if (hbs) {
1053  bfactor[ir] = 1;
1054  }
1055  }
1056  }
1057  vector<string> options;
1058  options.push_back("no");
1059  options.push_back("yes");
1060  bool delete_geometry = input->getInput("delete geometry",options,0);
1061  if (delete_geometry) {
1062  if (geometry->deref() == -1) {
1063  egsInformation(" deleting geometry %s as requested\n",geometry->getName().c_str());
1064  delete geometry;
1065  }
1066  else {
1067  egsInformation(" not deleting geometry %s as requested due to remaining references\n",
1068  geometry->getName().c_str());
1069  geometry->ref();
1070  }
1071  }
1072  egsInformation("\n");
1073 }
1075 const char *err_msg1 = "createGeometry(EGS_XYZRepeater)";
1077 #endif
1079 string EGS_NDGeometry::type = "EGS_NDGeometry";
1081 extern "C" {
1083  EGS_NDG_EXPORT EGS_BaseGeometry *createGeometry(EGS_Input *input) {
1084 #ifdef EXPLICIT_XYZ
1085  const static char *func = "createGeometry(XYZ)";
1086  string type;
1087  int is_xyz = input->getInput("type",type);
1088  if (!is_xyz && input->compare("EGS_XYZRepeater",type)) {
1089  string base,medium;
1090  vector<EGS_Float> xr, yr, zr;
1091  int err1 = input->getInput("repeated geometry",base);
1092  int err2 = input->getInput("repeat x",xr);
1093  int err3 = input->getInput("repeat y",yr);
1094  int err4 = input->getInput("repeat z",zr);
1095  int err5 = input->getInput("medium",medium);
1096  EGS_BaseGeometry *g = 0;
1097  if (err1) {
1098  egsWarning("%s: missing 'repeated geometry' input\n",err_msg1);
1099  }
1100  else {
1102  if (!g) {
1103  egsWarning("%s: no geometry named %s exists\n",err_msg1,
1104  base.c_str());
1105  err1 = 1;
1106  }
1107  }
1108  if (err2 || xr.size() != 3) {
1109  err1 = 1;
1110  egsWarning("%s: wrong/missing 'repeat x' input\n",err_msg1);
1111  }
1112  if (err3 || yr.size() != 3) {
1113  err1 = 1;
1114  egsWarning("%s: wrong/missing 'repeat y' input\n",err_msg1);
1115  }
1116  if (err4 || zr.size() != 3) {
1117  err1 = 1;
1118  egsWarning("%s: wrong/missing 'repeat z' input\n",err_msg1);
1119  }
1120  if (err1) {
1121  return 0;
1122  }
1123  EGS_Float xmin = xr[0], xmax = xr[1];
1124  int nx = (int)(xr[2]+0.1);
1125  if (xmin >= xmax || nx < 1) {
1126  egsWarning("%s: wrong 'repeat x' input xmin=%g xmax=%g nx=%d\n",
1127  xmin,xmax,nx);
1128  err1 = 1;
1129  }
1130  EGS_Float ymin = yr[0], ymax = yr[1];
1131  int ny = (int)(yr[2]+0.1);
1132  if (ymin >= ymax || ny < 1) {
1133  egsWarning("%s: wrong 'repeat y' input ymin=%g ymax=%g ny=%d\n",
1134  ymin,ymax,ny);
1135  err1 = 1;
1136  }
1137  EGS_Float zmin = zr[0], zmax = zr[1];
1138  int nz = (int)(zr[2]+0.1);
1139  if (zmin >= zmax || nz < 1) {
1140  egsWarning("%s: wrong 'repeat z' input zmin=%g zmax=%g nz=%d\n",
1141  zmin,zmax,nz);
1142  err1 = 1;
1143  }
1144  if (err1) {
1145  return 0;
1146  }
1148  EGS_XYZRepeater *result =
1149  new EGS_XYZRepeater(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,nx,ny,nz,g);
1150  result->setName(input);
1151  result->setBoundaryTolerance(input);
1152  if (!err5) {
1153  result->setMedium(medium);
1154  }
1155  result->setXYZLabels(input);
1156  result->setLabels(input);
1157  return result;
1158  }
1159  else if (!is_xyz && input->compare("EGS_XYZGeometry",type)) {
1160  string dens_file, ramp_file, egsphant_file, interfile_file;
1161  int ierr1 = input->getInput("density matrix",dens_file);
1162  int ierr2 = input->getInput("ct ramp",ramp_file);
1163  int ierr3 = input->getInput("egsphant file",egsphant_file);
1164  int ierr4 = input->getInput("interfile header",interfile_file);
1165  int dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile = -1;
1166  if (!ierr1) {
1167  dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile = 0;
1168  }
1169  else if (!ierr3) {
1170  dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile = 1;
1171  dens_file = egsphant_file;
1172  }
1173  else if (!ierr4) {
1174  dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile = 2;
1175  dens_file = interfile_file;
1176  }
1177  if (dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile >= 0 || !ierr2) {
1178  if (dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile < 0) {
1179  egsWarning("%s: no 'density matrix', 'egsphant file' or 'interfile header' input\n",func);
1180  return 0;
1181  }
1182  if (ierr2) {
1183  egsWarning("%s: no 'ct ramp' input\n",func);
1184  return 0;
1185  }
1186  EGS_XYZGeometry *result =
1187  EGS_XYZGeometry::constructGeometry(dens_file.c_str(),ramp_file.c_str(),dens_or_egsphant_or_interfile);
1189  if (result) {
1190  result->setName(input);
1191  result->setBoundaryTolerance(input);
1192  result->setBScaling(input);
1193  }
1195  return result;
1196  }
1197  vector<EGS_Float> xpos, ypos, zpos, xslab, yslab, zslab;
1198  int ix = input->getInput("x-planes",xpos);
1199  int iy = input->getInput("y-planes",ypos);
1200  int iz = input->getInput("z-planes",zpos);
1201  int ix1 = input->getInput("x-slabs",xslab);
1202  int iy1 = input->getInput("y-slabs",yslab);
1203  int iz1 = input->getInput("z-slabs",zslab);
1204  int nx=0, ny=0, nz=0;
1205  if (!ix1) {
1206  if (xslab.size() != 3) {
1207  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): exactly 3 inputs are required"
1208  " when using 'x-slabs' input method\n");
1209  ix1 = 1;
1210  }
1211  else {
1212  nx = (int)(xslab[2]+0.1);
1213  if (nx < 1) {
1214  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): number of slabs must be"
1215  " positive!\n");
1216  ix1 = 1;
1217  }
1218  if (xslab[1] <= 0) {
1219  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): slab thickness must be"
1220  " positive!\n");
1221  ix1 = 1;
1222  }
1223  }
1224  }
1225  if (ix && ix1) {
1226  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): wrong/missing 'x-planes' "
1227  "and 'x-slabs' input\n");
1228  return 0;
1229  }
1230  if (!iy1) {
1231  if (yslab.size() != 3) {
1232  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): exactly 3 inputs are required"
1233  " when using 'y-slabs' input method\n");
1234  iy1 = 1;
1235  }
1236  else {
1237  ny = (int)(yslab[2]+0.1);
1238  if (ny < 1) {
1239  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): number of slabs must be"
1240  " positive!\n");
1241  iy1 = 1;
1242  }
1243  if (yslab[1] <= 0) {
1244  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): slab thickness must be"
1245  " positive!\n");
1246  iy1 = 1;
1247  }
1248  }
1249  }
1250  if (iy && iy1) {
1251  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): wrong/missing 'y-planes' "
1252  "and 'y-slabs' input\n");
1253  return 0;
1254  }
1255  if (!iz1) {
1256  if (zslab.size() != 3) {
1257  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): exactly 3 inputs are required"
1258  " when using 'z-slabs' input method\n");
1259  iz1 = 1;
1260  }
1261  else {
1262  nz = (int)(zslab[2]+0.1);
1263  if (nz < 1) {
1264  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): number of slabs must be"
1265  " positive!\n");
1266  iz1 = 1;
1267  }
1268  if (zslab[1] <= 0) {
1269  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): slab thickness must be"
1270  " positive!\n");
1271  iz1 = 1;
1272  }
1273  }
1274  }
1275  if (iz && iz1) {
1276  egsWarning("createGeometry(XYZ): wrong/missing 'z-planes' "
1277  "and 'z-slabs' input\n");
1278  return 0;
1279  }
1280  EGS_PlanesX *xp = !ix1 ?
1281  new EGS_PlanesX(xslab[0],xslab[1],nx,"",EGS_XProjector("x-planes")) :
1282  new EGS_PlanesX(xpos,"",EGS_XProjector("x-planes"));
1283  EGS_PlanesY *yp = !iy1 ?
1284  new EGS_PlanesY(yslab[0],yslab[1],ny,"",EGS_YProjector("y-planes")) :
1285  new EGS_PlanesY(ypos,"",EGS_YProjector("y-planes"));
1286  EGS_PlanesZ *zp = !iz1 ?
1287  new EGS_PlanesZ(zslab[0],zslab[1],nz,"",EGS_ZProjector("z-planes")) :
1288  new EGS_PlanesZ(zpos,"",EGS_ZProjector("z-planes"));
1289  EGS_XYZGeometry *result = new EGS_XYZGeometry(xp,yp,zp);
1291  if (result) {
1292  egsWarning("**********************************************\n");
1293  EGS_BaseGeometry *g = result;
1294  result->setName(input);
1295  result->setBoundaryTolerance(input);
1296  g->setMedia(input);
1297  result->voxelizeGeometry(input);
1299  // labels
1300  result->setXYZLabels(input);
1301  g->setLabels(input);
1302  }
1303  return result;
1304  }
1305 #endif
1306  vector<EGS_BaseGeometry *> dims;
1307  EGS_Input *ij;
1308  int error = 0;
1309  while ((ij = input->takeInputItem("geometry",false)) != 0) {
1311  if (g) {
1312  dims.push_back(g);
1313  g->ref();
1314  }
1315  else {
1316  error++;
1317  }
1318  delete ij;
1319  }
1320  vector<string> gnames;
1321  int err1 = input->getInput("dimensions",gnames);
1322  if (!err1) {
1323  for (unsigned int j=0; j<gnames.size(); j++) {
1325  if (g) {
1326  dims.push_back(g);
1327  g->ref();
1328  }
1329  else {
1330  egsWarning("Geometry %s does not exist\n",gnames[j].c_str());
1331  error++;
1332  }
1333  }
1334  }
1335  if (error) {
1336  egsWarning("createGeometry(ND_Geometry): %d errors while "
1337  "creating/geting geometries defining individual dimensions\n",error);
1338  return 0;
1339  }
1340  if (dims.size() < 2) {
1341  egsWarning("createGeometry(ND_Geometry): why do you want to "
1342  "construct a ND geometry with a single dimension?\n");
1343  input->print(0,cerr);
1344  for (int j=0; j<gnames.size(); j++) egsWarning("dimension %d: %s\n",
1345  j+1,gnames[j].c_str());
1346  }
1347  int n_concav = 0;
1348  for (int j=0; j<dims.size(); j++) if (!dims[j]->isConvex()) {
1349  n_concav++;
1350  }
1351  bool is_ok = true;
1352  if (n_concav > 1) {
1353  egsWarning("createGeometry(ND_Geometry): a ND geometry can not have "
1354  " more than one non-convex dimension, yours has %d\n",n_concav);
1355  is_ok = false;
1356  }
1357  else if (n_concav == 1) {
1358  if (dims[dims.size()-1]->isConvex()) {
1359  egsWarning("createGeometry(ND_Geometry): the non-convex "
1360  "dimension must be the last dimension\n");
1361  is_ok = false;
1362  }
1363  }
1364  if (!is_ok) {
1365  for (int j=0; j<dims.size(); j++)
1366  if (dims[j]->deref()) {
1367  delete dims[j];
1368  }
1369  return 0;
1370  }
1371  int hn_method=0;
1372  err1 = input->getInput("hownear method",hn_method);
1373  EGS_BaseGeometry *result;
1374  if (!err1 && hn_method == 1) {
1375  result = new EGS_NDGeometry(dims,"",false);
1376  }
1377  else {
1378  result = new EGS_NDGeometry(dims);
1379  }
1380  result->setName(input);
1381  result->setBoundaryTolerance(input);
1382  result->setMedia(input);
1383  result->setLabels(input);
1384  return result;
1385  }
1388  void EGS_XYZGeometry::setXYZLabels(EGS_Input *input) {
1390  // x,y,z labels
1391  string inp;
1392  int err;
1394  err = input->getInput("set x label", inp);
1395  if (!err) {
1396  xp->setLabels(inp);
1397  }
1399  err = input->getInput("set y label", inp);
1400  if (!err) {
1401  yp->setLabels(inp);
1402  }
1404  err = input->getInput("set z label", inp);
1405  if (!err) {
1406  zp->setLabels(inp);
1407  }
1408  }
1411  void EGS_NDGeometry::ndRegions(int r, int dim, int dimk, int k, vector<int> &regs) {
1413  // skip looping over selected dimension
1414  if (dim == dimk) {
1415  r += k*n[dimk];
1416  if (dim == N-1) {
1417  regs.push_back(r);
1418  }
1419  else {
1420  ndRegions(r, dim+1, dimk, k, regs);
1421  }
1422  }
1424  // last dimension: end recursion and record global region number
1425  else if (dim == N-1) {
1426  for (int j=0; j<g[dim]->regions(); j++) {
1427  regs.push_back(r+j*n[dim]);
1428  }
1429  }
1431  // keep collecting by recursion
1432  else {
1433  for (int j=0; j<g[dim]->regions(); j++) {
1434  ndRegions(r + j*n[dim], dim+1, dimk, k, regs);
1435  }
1436  }
1437  }
1440  void EGS_NDGeometry::getLabelRegions(const string &str, vector<int> &regs) {
1442  // label defined in the sub-geometries
1443  vector<int> local_regs;
1444  for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
1445  local_regs.clear();
1446  if (g[i]) {
1447  g[i]->getLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1448  }
1449  if (local_regs.size() == 0) {
1450  continue;
1451  }
1453  // recurse to collect all global regions comprised in each local region
1454  for (int j=0; j<local_regs.size(); j++) {
1455  ndRegions(0, 0, i, local_regs[j], regs);
1456  }
1457  }
1459  // label defined in self (nd input block)
1462  }
1465  void EGS_XYZGeometry::getLabelRegions(const string &str, vector<int> &regs) {
1467  vector<int> local_regs;
1469  // x plane labels
1470  local_regs.clear();
1471  xp->getLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1472  for (int i=0; i<local_regs.size(); i++) {
1473  for (int j=0; j<ny; j++) {
1474  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++) {
1475  regs.push_back(local_regs[i] + nx*j + nxy*k);
1476  }
1477  }
1478  }
1480  // y plane labels
1481  local_regs.clear();
1482  yp->getLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1483  for (int j=0; j<local_regs.size(); j++) {
1484  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) {
1485  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++) {
1486  regs.push_back(i + nx*local_regs[j] + nxy*k);
1487  }
1488  }
1489  }
1491  // z plane labels
1492  local_regs.clear();
1493  zp->getLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1494  for (int k=0; k<local_regs.size(); k++) {
1495  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) {
1496  for (int j=0; j<ny; j++) {
1497  regs.push_back(i + nx*j + nxy*local_regs[k]);
1498  }
1499  }
1500  }
1502  // label defined in self (xyz input block)
1505  }
1508  void EGS_XYZRepeater::getLabelRegions(const string &str, vector<int> &regs) {
1510  vector<int> local_regs;
1512  // label in repeated geometry
1513  local_regs.clear();
1514  g->getLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1515  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) {
1516  for (int j=0; j<ny; j++) {
1517  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++) {
1518  for (int r=0; r<local_regs.size(); r++) {
1519  regs.push_back(ng*(i + nx*j + nxy*k) + local_regs[r]);
1520  }
1521  }
1522  }
1523  }
1525  // x plane labels
1526  local_regs.clear();
1527  xyz->getXLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1528  for (int i=0; i<local_regs.size(); i++) {
1529  for (int j=0; j<ny; j++) {
1530  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++) {
1531  for (int r=0; r<ng; r++) {
1532  regs.push_back(ng*(local_regs[i] + nx*j + nxy*k) + r);
1533  }
1534  }
1535  }
1536  }
1538  // y plane labels
1539  local_regs.clear();
1540  xyz->getYLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1541  for (int j=0; j<local_regs.size(); j++) {
1542  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) {
1543  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++) {
1544  for (int r=0; r<ng; r++) {
1545  regs.push_back(ng*(i + nx*local_regs[j] + nxy*k) + r);
1546  }
1547  }
1548  }
1549  }
1551  // z plane labels
1552  local_regs.clear();
1553  xyz->getZLabelRegions(str, local_regs);
1554  for (int k=0; k<local_regs.size(); k++) {
1555  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++) {
1556  for (int j=0; j<ny; j++) {
1557  for (int r=0; r<ng; r++) {
1558  regs.push_back(ng*(i + nx*j + nxy*local_regs[k]) + r);
1559  }
1560  }
1561  }
1562  }
1564  // label defined in self (repeater input block)
1567  }
1569 }
const EGS_I64 loopMax
The maximum number of iterations for near-infinite loops.
Definition: egs_functions.h:95
int regions() const
Returns the number of local regions in this geometry.
int deref()
Decrease the reference count to this geometry.
virtual void printInfo() const
Print information about this geometry.
EGS_Float * bfactor
Array with B field scaling factors.
int N
Number of dimensions.
A class providing affine transformations.
string name
Name of this geometry.
EGS_Input class header file.
int setDeformations(const char *defFile)
A class representing 3D vectors.
Definition: egs_vector.h:56
int setLabels(EGS_Input *input)
Set the labels from an input block.
Global egspp functions header file.
int * n
Used for calculating region indeces.
void print(int nind, ostream &)
Used for debugging purposes.
Definition: egs_input.cpp:1174
int med
Medium index.
EGS_GLIB_EXPORT EGS_BaseGeometry * createGeometry(EGS_Input *input)
Definition: egs_glib.cpp:57
void egsSwapBytes(int *n)
Swap the bytes of 32 bit integers.
Base geometry class. Every geometry class must be derived from EGS_BaseGeometry.
virtual void setRelativeRho(int start, int end, EGS_Float rho)
Set the relative mass density in regions.
void setBoundaryTolerance(EGS_Input *inp)
Set the value of the boundary tolerance from the input inp.
bool isConvex() const
Is the geometry convex?
N-dimensional geometries: header.
virtual void setBScaling(int start, int end, EGS_Float bf)
Set the B field scaling factor in regions.
static EGS_BaseGeometry * getGeometry(const string &Name)
Get a pointer to the geometry named Name.
EGS_InfoFunction EGS_EXPORT egsFatal
Always use this function for reporting fatal errors.
virtual void getLabelRegions(const string &str, vector< int > &regs)
Get the list of all regions labeled with str.
void setMedia(EGS_Input *inp)
Set the media in the geometry from the input pointed to by inp.
static int addMedium(const string &medname)
Add a medium or get the index of an existing medium.
EGS_InfoFunction EGS_EXPORT egsInformation
Always use this function for reporting the progress of a simulation and any other type of information...
A set of parallel planes.
Definition: egs_planes.h:166
bool is_convex
Is this geometry convex?
int egsGetEndian()
Get the endianess of the machine.
void setMedium(const string &Name)
Set all regions to a medium with name Name.
void setName(EGS_Input *inp)
Set the name of the geometry from the input inp.
EGS_AffineTransform and EGS_RotationMatrix class header file.
void setMedia(EGS_Input *inp, int nmed, const int *med_ind)
Define media.
An XYZ-geometry.
A geometry repeated on a regular XYZ grid.
A projector into the z-plane.
void transform(EGS_Vector &v) const
Transforms the vector v.
short * region_media
Array of media indeces.
A projector into the y-plane.
static EGS_AffineTransform * getTransformation(EGS_Input *inp)
Constructs an affine transformation object from the input pointed to by inp and returns a pointer to ...
bool has_rho_scaling
Does this geometry have relative mass density scvaling?
int ref()
Increase the reference count to this geometry.
A projector into the x-plane.
static EGS_BaseGeometry * createSingleGeometry(EGS_Input *inp)
Create a single geometry from the input inp.
const EGS_Float epsilon
The epsilon constant for floating point comparisons.
Definition: egs_functions.h:61
A class modeling a N-dimensional geometry.
A class for storing information in a tree-like structure of key-value pairs. This class is used throu...
Definition: egs_input.h:182
static const char * getMediumName(int ind)
Get the name of medium with index ind.
const string & getName() const
Get the name of this geometry.
static bool compare(const string &s1, const string &s2)
Definition: egs_input.cpp:1170
EGS_BaseGeometry ** g
The dimensions.
int nreg
Number of local regions in this geometry.
EGS_Input * takeInputItem(const string &key, bool self=true)
Get the property named key.
Definition: egs_input.cpp:226
EGS_NDGeometry(int ng, EGS_BaseGeometry **G, const string &Name="", bool O=true)
EGS_Float * rhor
Array with relative mass densities.
int getInput(const string &key, vector< string > &values) const
Assign values to an array of strings from an input identified by key.
Definition: egs_input.cpp:338
static string type
The geometry type.
bool has_B_scaling
Does this geometry has B field scaling factor?
EGS_InfoFunction EGS_EXPORT egsWarning
Always use this function for reporting warnings.