EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
volcor | Region discovery/volume correction for auto envelope geometries |
AEnvelopeAux | A helper class for initializing auto envelopes |
AlphaRecord | |
BEAM_DoseScoring | A dose scoring object: header |
BetaMinusRecord | |
BetaPlusRecord | |
BetaRecordLeaf | |
Branch | |
CommentRecord | |
CSSSLayer | A conical shell shape |
EGS_2DPolygon | A class to represent a polygon in a plane (a 2D polygon) |
EGS_2DVector | A class representing 2D vectors |
EGS_AdvancedApplication | Base class for advanced EGSnrc applications based on the mortran EGSnrc back-end |
EGS_AEnvelope | A fast envelope geometry with automatic region detection |
EGS_AffineTransform | A class providing affine transformations |
EGS_AliasTable | A class for sampling random values from a given probability distribution using the alias table technique |
EGS_AngularSpreadSource | A source that adds additional Gaussian angular spread to another source |
EGS_Application | Base class for advanced EGSnrc C++ applications |
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope | This geometry type allows you to activate and deactivate inscribed geometries in custom egspp user codes |
EGS_AtomicRelaxations | |
EGS_AusgabObject | |
EGS_BaseGeometry | Base geometry class. Every geometry class must be derived from EGS_BaseGeometry |
EGS_BaseShape | Base shape class. All shapes in the EGSnrc C++ class library are derived from EGS_BaseShape |
EGS_BaseSimpleSource | Base class for 'simple' particle sources |
EGS_BaseSource | Base source class. All particle sources must be derived from this class |
EGS_BaseSpectrum | Base class for energy spectra. All energy spectra in the EGSnrc C++ class library are derived from this class |
EGS_BeamSource | A BEAM simulation source |
EGS_Bounds | A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc transport threshold energies common block BOUNDS |
EGS_Box | A box geometry |
EGS_BoxShape | A box shape |
EGS_CDGeometry | A "combinatorial dimension" geometry |
EGS_CirclePerpendicularShape | A circle shape perpendicular to source particles |
EGS_CircleShape | A circle shape |
EGS_CollimatedSource | A collimated particle source |
EGS_ConeSet | A set of cones with different opening angles but the same axis and apexes |
EGS_ConeStack | A cone stack |
EGS_ConicalShellStackShape | |
EGS_cSpheres | A set of concentric spheres |
EGS_cSphericalShell | Implements a spherical shell geometry with a hollow centre |
EGS_CylinderShape | A cylinder shape |
EGS_CylindersT | A set of concentric cylinders |
EGS_DeformedXYZ | A deformed XYZ-geometry |
EGS_DoseScoring | A dose scoring object: header |
EGS_DoubleGaussianSpectrum | A double-Gaussian spectrum |
EGS_DynamicSource | A source with time-varying rotations/translations |
EGS_ElementRelaxData | |
EGS_EllipseShape | An elliptical shape |
EGS_emfInputs | A structure corresponding to the EMF_INPUTS common block |
EGS_Ensdf | The ensdf class for reading ensdf format data files |
EGS_EnvelopeGeometry | An envelope geometry class |
EGS_Epcont | A structure corresponding to the EPCONT common block |
EGS_EtControl | A structure corresponding to the ET_control common block |
EGS_ExtendedShape | An extended shape |
EGS_FanoSource | A Fano source |
EGS_FastEnvelope | An envelope geometry class |
EGS_FloatInputLoopVariable | A base class for real valued input loops. Basic functionality for input loops is provided by this class |
EGS_FluenceScoring | Base class for fluence scoring |
EGS_GaussianShape | A Gaussian shape |
EGS_GaussianSpectrum | A Gaussian spectrum |
EGS_GeometryHistory | |
EGS_GeometryIntersections | |
EGS_GeometryTester | A class for testing geometries |
EGS_Hexagonal_Lattice | |
EGS_Input | A class for storing information in a tree-like structure of key-value pairs. This class is used throughout the egspp class library for passing information to the various objects |
EGS_InputLoopVariable | A base class for input loops. Basic functionality for input loops is provided by this class. Input loops can be used whenever a large number of similar input blocks are needed |
EGS_IntegerInputLoopVariable | A base class for integer valued input loops. Basic functionality for input loops is provided by this class |
EGS_Interpolator | A class for fast run-time interpolations |
EGS_IO | A structure corresponding to the egs_io common block |
EGS_IPlanes | A set of planes intersecting in the same axis |
EGS_IsotropicSource | An isotropic source |
EGS_JCFControl | A 'job control file' (JCF) RCO |
EGS_Lattice | A Bravais, cubic, and hexagonal lattice geometryA geometry which embeds a lattice of one geometry (named subgeometry below) into one region of a second geometry (named base geometry). This geometry effectively recurses the subgeometry at every position defined by a Bravais, cubic, or hexagonal lattice. As such, you can model an infinite amount of subgeometries (e.g., region 0 of egs_space) and the only slow down to your simulation would depend on how many subgeometries you would expect over a particle track |
EGS_Library | A class for dynamically loading shared libraries |
EGS_LineShape | A line shape |
EGS_ListInputLoopVariable | |
EGS_Media | A structure corresponding to the MEDIA common block |
EGS_Mesh | A tetrahedral mesh geometry |
EGS_MeshSpec | A container for raw unstructured tetrahedral mesh data |
EGS_MonoEnergy | A monoenergetic particle spectrum |
EGS_NDGeometry | A class modeling a N-dimensional geometry |
EGS_Object | Base egspp object |
EGS_ObjectFactory | An object factory |
EGS_Octree | An octree geometry |
EGS_Octree_bbox | |
EGS_Octree_node | |
EGS_ParallelBeam | A parallel beam |
EGS_ParallelCones | A set of "parallel cones" (i.e. cones with the same axis and opening angles but different apexes) |
EGS_Particle | A structure holding the information of one particle |
EGS_ParticleTrack | A class representing a single track of a particle |
EGS_ParticleTrackContainer | A class that stores all the tracks in a simulation |
EGS_PhspScoring | A phase space scoring object: header |
EGS_PhspSource | A phase-space file source |
EGS_PlanarFluence | Ausgab object for scoring fluence at circular or rectangular fields |
EGS_PlaneCollection | A collection of non-parallel planes |
EGS_PlanesT | A set of parallel planes |
EGS_PointShape | A point shape. This is the simplest shape possible: it simply always returns the same point |
EGS_PointSource | A point source |
EGS_PolygonShape | A polygon shape |
EGS_PolygonT | A template class for 3D polygons |
EGS_PrismT | A class for modeling prisms |
EGS_Projector | A projector into any plane |
EGS_PyramidT | A template class for modeling pyramids |
EGS_RadialRepeater | A radial geometry replicator |
EGS_RadiativeSplitting | A radiative splitting object: header |
EGS_RadionuclideBetaSpectrum | Beta spectrum generation for EGS_RadionuclideSpectrum |
EGS_RadionuclideSource | A radionuclide source |
EGS_RadionuclideSpectrum | A radionuclide spectrum |
EGS_RandomGenerator | Base random number generator class. All random number generators should be derived from this class |
EGS_Ranmar | A ranmar RNG class |
EGS_Rayleigh | A structure corresponding to the rayleigh_inputs common block |
EGS_RectangleShape | A rectangular shape |
EGS_RectangularRing | A "rectangular ring" |
EGS_RelaxationParticle | |
EGS_RelaxImplementation | |
EGS_RotationMatrix | A class for vector rotations |
EGS_RoundRectCylindersT | A set of concentric rounded rectangles |
EGS_RunControl | A simple run control object for advanced EGSnrc C++ applications |
EGS_RZGeometry | Subclass of EGS_NDGeometry for conveniently defining an RZ geometry |
EGS_ScoringArray | A class for scoring an array of quantities (e.g. a dose distribution) in a Monte Carlo simulation |
EGS_ScoringSingle | A class for scoring a single quantity of interest in a Monte Carlo simulation |
EGS_ShapeCollection | A shape collection |
EGS_ShellData | |
EGS_SimpleAliasTable | A class for sampling random bins from a given probability distribution using the alias table technique |
EGS_SimpleApplication | A base class for developing simple EGSnrc applications |
EGS_SimpleCone | A single cone that may be open (i.e. extends to infinity or closed by a plane perpendicular to the cone axis |
EGS_SimpleContainer | |
EGS_SmartEnvelope | |
EGS_SourceCollection | A source collection |
EGS_Space | The entire space as a geometry object |
EGS_SphereShape | A sphere shape |
EGS_SphericalShellShape | A spherical shell shape |
EGS_Stack | A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc particle stack common block STACK |
EGS_StackGeometry | A stack of geometries |
EGS_SurfaceShape | A surface shape |
EGS_TabulatedSpectrum | A tabulated spectrum |
EGS_TestMicro | |
EGS_Thresh | A structure corresponding to the particle production threshold energies common block THRESH |
EGS_Timer | A simple class for measuring CPU time |
EGS_TrackScoring | A track scoring object: header |
EGS_TransformedGeometry | A transformed geometry |
EGS_TransformedSource | A transformed source |
EGS_TriangleShape | A triangular shape |
EGS_TypedObjectFactory | A typed object factory |
EGS_UniformRunControl | A job control object for homogeneous computing environments (HCE) |
EGS_UniformSpectrum | A uniform energy spectrum |
EGS_UnionGeometry | A geometry constructed as the union of other geometries |
EGS_Useful | A structure corresponding to the USEFUL common block |
EGS_VarianceReduction | A structure corresponding to the egs_vr common block |
EGS_Vector | A class representing 3D vectors |
EGS_VHPGeometry | A Voxelized Human Phantom (VHP) geometry |
EGS_VolumetricFluence | Ausgab object for scoring fluence in arbitrary geometry regions |
EGS_VoxelizedShape | A "voxelized shape" |
EGS_XOptions | A structure corresponding to the xsection_options common block |
EGS_XProjector | A projector into the x-plane |
EGS_XYZGeometry | An XYZ-geometry |
EGS_XYZRepeater | A geometry repeated on a regular XYZ grid |
EGS_YProjector | A projector into the y-plane |
EGS_ZProjector | A projector into the z-plane |
EnvelopeAux | |
GammaRecord | |
IAEA_PhspSource | An IAEA phase-space file source |
label | |
Leaf | |
LevelRecord | |
LevelRecordLeaf | |
NormalizationRecord | |
NormalizationRecordLeaf | |
ParentRecord | |
ParentRecordLeaf | |
Record | |
SmartEnvelopeAux |