EGSnrc C++ class library
Report PIRS-898 (2021)
Iwan Kawrakow, Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson and Blake Walters
AEnvelopeAux | A helper class for initializing auto envelopes |
Branch< T > | |
Branch< Leaf< LevelRecord > > | |
Branch< Leaf< NormalizationRecord > > | |
Branch< Leaf< ParentRecord > > | |
CSSSLayer | A conical shell shape |
EGS_2DPolygon | A class to represent a polygon in a plane (a 2D polygon) |
EGS_2DVector | A class representing 2D vectors |
EGS_AffineTransform | A class providing affine transformations |
EGS_AliasTable | A class for sampling random values from a given probability distribution using the alias table technique |
EGS_Application | Base class for advanced EGSnrc C++ applications |
EGS_AtomicRelaxations | |
EGS_BaseGeometry | Base geometry class. Every geometry class must be derived from EGS_BaseGeometry |
EGS_BaseSpectrum | Base class for energy spectra. All energy spectra in the EGSnrc C++ class library are derived from this class |
EGS_Bounds | A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc transport threshold energies common block BOUNDS |
EGS_DynamicSource::EGS_ControlPoint | |
EGS_ElementRelaxData | |
EGS_emfInputs | A structure corresponding to the EMF_INPUTS common block |
EGS_Ensdf | The ensdf class for reading ensdf format data files |
EGS_Epcont | A structure corresponding to the EPCONT common block |
EGS_EtControl | A structure corresponding to the ET_control common block |
EGS_GeometryHistory | |
EGS_GeometryIntersections | |
EGS_GeometryTester | A class for testing geometries |
EGS_Input | A class for storing information in a tree-like structure of key-value pairs. This class is used throughout the egspp class library for passing information to the various objects |
EGS_InputLoopVariable | A base class for input loops. Basic functionality for input loops is provided by this class. Input loops can be used whenever a large number of similar input blocks are needed |
EGS_Interpolator | A class for fast run-time interpolations |
EGS_IO | A structure corresponding to the egs_io common block |
EGS_Library | A class for dynamically loading shared libraries |
EGS_Media | A structure corresponding to the MEDIA common block |
EGS_MeshSpec | A container for raw unstructured tetrahedral mesh data |
EGS_Object | Base egspp object |
EGS_ObjectFactory | An object factory |
EGS_Octree_bbox | |
EGS_Octree_node | |
EGS_Particle | A structure holding the information of one particle |
EGS_ParticleTrack | A class representing a single track of a particle |
EGS_ParticleTrackContainer | A class that stores all the tracks in a simulation |
EGS_PhspScoring::egs_phsp_write_struct | |
EGS_PolygonT< T > | A template class for 3D polygons |
EGS_Projector | A projector into any plane |
EGS_RadionuclideBetaSpectrum | Beta spectrum generation for EGS_RadionuclideSpectrum |
EGS_RandomGenerator | Base random number generator class. All random number generators should be derived from this class |
EGS_Rayleigh | A structure corresponding to the rayleigh_inputs common block |
EGS_RelaxationParticle | |
EGS_RelaxImplementation | |
EGS_RotationMatrix | A class for vector rotations |
EGS_RunControl | A simple run control object for advanced EGSnrc C++ applications |
EGS_ScoringArray | A class for scoring an array of quantities (e.g. a dose distribution) in a Monte Carlo simulation |
EGS_ScoringSingle | A class for scoring a single quantity of interest in a Monte Carlo simulation |
EGS_ShellData | |
EGS_SimpleAliasTable | A class for sampling random bins from a given probability distribution using the alias table technique |
EGS_SimpleApplication | A base class for developing simple EGSnrc applications |
EGS_SimpleContainer< T > | |
EGS_SimpleContainer< EGS_AusgabObject * > | |
EGS_SimpleContainer< EGS_RelaxationParticle > | |
EGS_Stack | A structure corresponding to the EGSnrc particle stack common block STACK |
EGS_Thresh | A structure corresponding to the particle production threshold energies common block THRESH |
EGS_Timer | A simple class for measuring CPU time |
EGS_Useful | A structure corresponding to the USEFUL common block |
EGS_VarianceReduction | A structure corresponding to the egs_vr common block |
EGS_Vector | A class representing 3D vectors |
EGS_XOptions | A structure corresponding to the xsection_options common block |
EGS_XProjector | A projector into the x-plane |
EGS_YProjector | A projector into the y-plane |
EGS_ZProjector | A projector into the z-plane |
EnvelopeAux | |
label | |
Leaf< T > | |
Leaf< LevelRecord > | |
Leaf< NormalizationRecord > | |
Leaf< ParentRecord > | |
EGS_MeshSpec::Medium | A medium. The medium name must match an EGSnrc medium name |
EGS_MeshSpec::Node | A 3D point. Units are cm |
EGS_Mesh::Nodes | |
EGS_PhspScoring::Particle | |
EGS_ParticleTrack::ParticleInfo | Structure describing the particle being tracked |
Record | |
SmartEnvelopeAux | |
EGS_GeometryHistory::Step | |
EGS_MeshSpec::Tetrahedron | A tetrahedral mesh element |
volcor::VCOptions | Volume correction initialization helper class |
volcor::VCResults | Struct used to collect and output results about a volume correction run |
EGS_ParticleTrack::Vertex | Structure to store the data for each interaction along the track |